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About Sherry H

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About Sherry H
Been caregiver for my severely brain-damaged husband, who is in a wheelchair & has assorted other disabilities and health issues, for 19 yrs. We were hit by a drunken driver w/no insurance. My husband will be going into a nursing home soon and I am eager to start an online business that I can enjoy & be passionate about (hopefully) and that will provide me with an income to replace (and surpass) my husband's Social Security that we have been living on. It needs to be flexible to allow me to spend time visiting him, to be active with my family and to actually have a life lol. I'm well aware of many online business models & opportunities & have chased some shiny objects. I have not started anything before because of all my responsibilities at home. With my husband's impending move into a nursing facility, I really want to make some decisions and start putting things into place for my business startup. Right now I have information overload (business & personal) and haven't been able to decide on what business I am going to start. I want passive income & eventually will have multiple streams of income. If I can figure where & what to start, I'm willing to do the work.
Vero Beach, Florida
None yet, hoping to have some in near future
Full-time caregiver


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Last Activity
January 1st, 2016
Join Date
January 5th, 2014