In my Traffic & Conversion Summit notes I shared this bullet point from the first day of the event:
There are 3 key pieces of content you should provide at the top of your site, and use in your paid traffic campaigns:
- A solid awareness piece
- A solid evaluation piece
- A solid conversion piece
I'll expand on that point, and the function of those three content pieces, and also share more of my notes with you from the Content Marketing & Traffic tracks at the event. You can view the complete event agenda here too, if you'd like to see what was covered. As I continue to go through my notes, I realize just how much I took away from this event...
The breakout session I missed on the first day while sitting in on the content marketing & media funnel sessions was: Promo Mapping: How To Craft The Perfect Promotional Calendar.
I cannot wait to get Tim's Notes on this session! I think that's the session I regret missing live the most. 😛
The 3 Key Content Pieces was part of Russ Henneberry's presentation titled "The Perfect Content Marketing Strategy: How Content Generates Leads & Sales At Every Step Of The Funnel" on Day One.
Russ discussed the 7 characteristics of a perfect content marketing strategy, and how important it is that you have a "full funnel" strategy. Meaning you consider ALL stages of the funnel: from awareness, to evaluation, to conversion.
What content pieces are needed at each stage of this funnel?
Awareness: Content that targets problems and/or solutions. This is the segment of your market doesn't realize they have a problem, or doesn't realize certain solutions are available. Your "awareness pieces" make your potential subscribers & buyers aware of problems/solutions.
Evaluation: Content that addresses a problem they already know they have. This is the segment of your market that is actively looking for solutions. Your "evaluation pieces" help your market evaluate the options (solutions). Use these pieces to provide comparison charts and comparative reviews, help them make a smart buying decision, explain why they should choose a specific solution (ie your product).
Conversion: This is the sales piece. It may be a squeeze page or a sales page. Your goal is to appeal to your general market, educate your potential buyers, and close the sale. This is the ideal content marketing funnel.
"Good content marketers satisfy intent at all stages of the funnel. Consider the intent at each stage, and how you can best satisfy that intent."
Ideally you'll put a solid Awareness, Evaluation and Conversion piece at the top of your site. You'll also use a variety of these pieces to appeal to different segments of your market through your paid content campaigns, leading people to and through your funnel strategically.
Tip: Spend some time brainstorming the various mindsets of your market at the different stages. In my low carb niche for example, people know they need to lose weight, or perhaps they know they have to change their diet because of health news: diabetes, heart attack, high blood pressure, etc.
There's also the point of making them AWARE of a problem they're not focusing on through an Awareness Piece, such as "3 Benefits To Losing Weight - Besides Looking Gorgeous!" Or making them more aware of a priority, maybe with a seasonal twist: "Want to look AMAZING on your vacation this summer? Discover the easiest way to lose weight - fast!" Those are just some examples off the top of my head...
In the Evaluation phase, a detailed comparison between Low Carb and Low Fat diets would be a great piece. As well as content pieces that address common myths: no, we don't eat bacon and drink bacon grease for every meal (lol) - or: "Will a Low Carb Diet Make You A Walking Heart Attack?" (explaining why it's actually a heart-healthy diet, despite the myths). Before & After pictures and Success Stories would also be great for those evaluating solutions, as pieces that inspire them to the next step: taking action.
More points to consider for your content pieces:
- How much does your solution cost?
- How does your solution compare to other options?
- Is it easy to do? (intent) “how easy it is to…” Show proof, or demo.
- Demos of what you offer - what can I expect?
- Content Assets: Interactive Tools that help them make a decision
- Comparison Charts (columns with checkmarks) are great for conversions!
What would they respond to best? (at this stage)
What would help them make a decision to take action?
I'll stop there for now and let you brainstorm those 3 key content pieces for your niche, and implement them. I'll share the "traffic temperature" tips in an upcoming post, and how to appeal to the Cold / Warm / Hot people in your market. 🙂
p.s. I took more notes in this session than I did any of the others - but I still didn't capture all of it. It was GREAT content! Like I said, I really regret missing the "Promo Mapping: How To Craft The Perfect Promotional Calendar".
For that, and ALL of the event content, you should get Tim Castleman's Traffic & Conversion Summit Event Notes.
Those event notes are better than any "info product" you could buy because only the TOP strategies are shared by industry leaders at live events - and only after they've been tested, tweaked and perfected for months on end... and often years!
As a special bonus, you'll also get the Funnel Hacking guide when you order Tim's notes through my link above. 🙂 Enjoy!
This is great stuff! One question... Does "top of your site" mean your sticky post?
Great question, Val! They were referring to the navigation across the top of your site, so on WordPress that would be your Static Pages that show there.
Great article. Wish I was there. I plan to go next year. It's crazy I didn't go to the one in SF since Ryan offered me a offer that I should not have refused.
I like this approach because I always went after the folks that knew they had a problem. Apple is very good at finding out something that everyone needs but does not know it yet, like the iPad, then the iPhone, then the iPad, then the Apple TV and soon a self driving car.
Hi Lynn. Thanks so much for this article. I have been working on my content strategy and my top level Web pages but I didn't have a clear "marriage" -- a unifying strategy for the content. Now I'm excited to get going on my work again with this new perspective and strategy.