Create Ebook & Kindle Covers Like A Pro!

Whether you're planning to publish Kindle books, or create niche info products to sell online, this is a great template package to have! You can easily whip out high quality cover graphics super fast for your short reports, ebooks, courses, etc...

The Secret Sauce: A Game-Changer

My mind was already spinning with ideas when I returned home from the event, but most of that was practical application: do this, do that, fix this, put that into place, etc. The Secret Sauce was exactly what I needed to really bring it all together, and take my business to the next level...

Making Money With Brands & Sponsors

There's GOOD money to be made working with brands and sponsors, and there are SO many more options now than just the traditional (old school) online advertising models like selling banners and text links. If you are looking for a fresh source of ongoing site revenue, this is something you definitely need to look into...

Step-by-Step Blueprint for Success Online

If you're easily distracted, this step-by-step weekly course will really keep you on track. You'll know what you need to do, in what order, and have a detailed plan to follow. It's great for getting set up part-time, or for working online full-time - even if you've been trying to make money online for years! The tasks each week are easy enough to do (with detailed instruction) but they are the things that will move you forward the fastest - without any fluff...

Video Lighting Comparison – See For Yourself!

Video Lighting comparison with and without the Continuous Lighting Set I recently ordered from Amazon. As you can see, there's a HUGE difference. I'm using the...

Using a URL Shortener? 8 Reasons To STOP!

I've never understood why anyone would use a URL Shortener, but A LOT of people do, so it's time for a discussion and some eye-opening facts on this bad practice...

Free Google+ Guide by Guy Kawasaki

Get a free PDF copy of the Google+ guide at this link... If you're not yet using Google+, or using it actively as part of your online business, now is definitely the time to get started. Find out why!

Free Blog Planner & Marketing Content Calendar

This is one of my absolute favorite resources as a blogger and content marketer. I print it out every year, and keep it in a binder on my desk for planning and organizing my Content Marketing throughout the year. Grab it today - you'll love it! 😉

Easy Infographic Maker | Infographic Templates

Wow, right? 🙂 This only took minutes to make. Imagine easily creating graphics like that for your blog posts and sales pages! And I STINK at creating graphics. These templates are amazing - and SO easy to work with!!

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