View Full Version : A Little Feedback Please! My Story - Not Sure What's The Next Step!

October 18th, 2014, 03:18 PM
Hi All,

I am new to this forum. About a year ago somehow making money online came into my awareness and I purchased Anik Singal's 'Inbox Blueprint' program. To say I worked it hard is an understatement - I was absolutely obsessed - 10 hours a day, everyday! I never made a dime after six months and became very disillusioned. I've been through so much 'shiny object syndrome' thinking that the next program, product, etc., will make the difference. It hasn't.

For the last 3 months, I've been trying to have a more focused approach. But I feel like I'm just spinning my wheels and I truly don't know what the next step should be. I am determined to be successful like Lynn. Let me explain.

I've been sailing and boating since I was 10 years old (Now 51). For the last 15 years I've worked as a professional yacht captain running multi-million dollar yachts. It's a very tough industry and not as glamorous as it sounds, and I've never been "connected" in the industry, not from lack of trying. It's always been scratch and claw, but work comes to me. Hence, this is why I entered into the online world to make a change and create a "lifestyle" that will allow me to work, travel, when and where I want to.

I have my main services website (www.proyachtcaptain.com (http://www.proyachtcaptain.com)) and have recently added my blog (www.proyachtcaptain.com/captainslog (http://www.proyachtcaptain.com/captainslog)). I am attempting to use the blog for affiliate marketing purposes. After trying the "other" niches, I thought I'd go back and focus on what I supposedly know about - boating, sailing, yachts, etc. I'm always trying to learn through blogs like Lynn's and others.

Well, I've done all the web setup and design work myself in Wordpress. I have a few posts up on my blog. I have a Facebook page, LinkedIn profile, Twitter profile, Youtube channel, all connected together. I feel like I'm doing all the "right things", but getting nowhere.

This is the kicker - with all my experience on the water, sailing, boating, etc., I should be overflowing with great content and value. Instead, I feel like I don't have one thing to say or anything to offer. My mind literally goes blank. If I can't do it with something like this that I have so much experience with, then maybe I can't do it with ANYTHING!. This is very discouraging because I don't want to give up. It's no longer just about making money, but the challenge and satisfaction of creating something successful.

Also, I don't want to be "hocking" the usual make money online "niches' - relationship stuff, health, etc. If it's a website, I want it to be something that I actually care about and can make a contribution with. I don't want to be a fraud!

Another kicker here - Lynn has commented in her blog that it's not "rocket science" and not really that difficult. It just takes discipline and hard work. She's right! I see so many other people out there "doing it". What is the missing link that I'm not getting?

So, I am asking for any advice and would appreciate any feedback on my blog - www.proyachtcaptain.com/captainslog. (http://www.proyachtcaptain.com/captainslog)

Thank you,

Lynn Terry
October 18th, 2014, 06:40 PM
Hi William. :) Welcome to ClickNewz!

What was the Inbox Blueprint program about exactly, and what did you spend that much time actually doing that didn't work out for you? I'm asking out of curiosity given I'm not familiar with it - and whether it was a "startup" blueprint or for more advanced or established marketers?

I love that you're going with a topic where you have credentials and experience, and something of value to share. Smart!

You've done a great job with your website & blog so far. I'm still looking through it and am happy to do a "quick review" if you like. Question: How long have you had THIS site online? You mentioned "a few posts" so I'm guessing it's relatively new? Outside of that, and setting up the related social channels, what have you done to market the site so far?

I look forward to hearing a bit about the history of the site and what you've done so far. We can take it from there. ;-)

October 19th, 2014, 07:54 AM
Hi William. :) Welcome to ClickNewz!

What was the Inbox Blueprint program about exactly, and what did you spend that much time actually doing that didn't work out for you? I'm asking out of curiosity given I'm not familiar with it - and whether it was a "startup" blueprint or for more advanced or established marketers?

I love that you're going with a topic where you have credentials and experience, and something of value to share. Smart!

You've done a great job with your website & blog so far. I'm still looking through it and am happy to do a "quick review" if you like. Question: How long have you had THIS site online? You mentioned "a few posts" so I'm guessing it's relatively new? Outside of that, and setting up the related social channels, what have you done to market the site so far?

I look forward to hearing a bit about the history of the site and what you've done so far. We can take it from there. ;-)

Hi Lynn,

First, thank you for your quick reply to my post. To answer your question, the 'Inbox Blueprint' was a startup blueprint. The general premise taught you to pick a niche, create a opt-in form squeeze page, then when someone subscribed they were taken to a 'Thank you page' with a CPL offer. From there you would have your list and promote from there. I worked it hard Lynn, and never generated a dime. In fact, all I did was spend money - solo ads, Google Adsense, etc. I had picked the fitness niche and my autoresponder was loaded with over 50 follow-on messages with good content.

There was no 'after purchase' support or guidance. Although I learned a lot (I didn't even know what a squeeze page was before), my personal opinion is that he makes the sale, get's the money, and moves on. I wouldn't buy any of his products again. It's not like you, who has a genuine interest in building relationships and helping people succeed.

As I mentioned in my first forum post, I'm working in my current niche of boating and sailing. It's probably not a great niche for making money, but I thought I'd use this to hone my skills and then move on to other things. I have signed up for in-house affiliate programs. The commission rates are nothing great.

I've put a few posts out on my blog, most recently my product review on Sea Eagle Sport Runabout inflatable boats. I specifically followed your blog post suggestions regarding the elements that should be there for a product review. All of my blog posts have some kind of affiliate links, calls to action, etc. Yet, they seem to produce nothing. An experienced person like yourself could certainly "find issues" with them, but to produce nothing? I don't understand.

In my previous life, I worked as graphic designer (print), so I have the capability to produce nice e-books, guides, etc. I have an opt-in form on my site, but to be honest, I have no "free give away" and no follow-up messages created in my autoresponder. I feel like I don't have anything of value to say or offer. Like your blog post where you talk about fear and saying "why would someone buy my cupcakes when there are so many other cupcakes out there". My main website and blog have been up for about six months.

My current "career" has been a struggle from the beginning. I love being at the helm of a multi-million dollar yacht "doing my thing". But everything else about the industry is "nasty". You work for eccentric, very wealthy people that treat you like a commodity and will "kick you to the curb" in a heartbeat. It can be demoralizing. I'm trying to make a change and create my own lifestyle - Financial independence, freedom, being able to travel, take a road trip, etc., when I want to, because I can!

Lynn, how could you and your program help me? Although I use the comment "I haven't made a dime", much of my real motivation is the satisfaction of creating something successful.

Thank you,

Lynn Terry
October 21st, 2014, 05:56 PM
Thanks for the details, William - it helps a lot to get a little history on your projects & experience. You asked how my program could help. I offer an upgrade (http://www.clicknewz.com/members/payments.php) here at the forum to Elite Member, which gets you access to my Private Brainstorming Group (http://www.clicknewz.com/hands-on-help/). I host two live "Brainstorming Hour" calls every week, and work hands-on with members inside the forum on their business & marketing strategy - from start to profit. Membership also includes both of my detailed step-by-step courses, which use my own site(s) as live examples and walk you through everything you need to know and do. We also have live case studies and monthly challenges. It's an awesome community too, great people, lots of serious action takers. ;-)

Back to your new blog, what are you seeing in the way of traffic so far? How many unique visitors per month over the last six months, and what are your top sources of traffic? When you're seeing "no results" it's one of two things: traffic or conversions. It's good to figure out which so you know what to work on first. :)

October 21st, 2014, 06:45 PM
Start thinking about the categories you'd like to cover on your site... what topics are important to share with others?

For each topic, think of what you can write about under each "mini-site"... I don't know anything about yachting and boating so I can't even attempt to give you any ideas. :)

One thing I noticed.. the Gallery has lots of smaller images. You could actually write a page on each photo, make the photo relatively large on the page itself -- and either explain what you loved about the ship, a great story you remember on that specific adventure (change the names to protect the innocent.. :) ), write about accidents that happened aboard ship and how they were corrected, about the most beautiful places you've been, about working with people...

Sit away from the computer - and daydream with pen and paper nearby. Every adventure that pops into your mind, write a short note as a reminder, go back to daydreaming mode, and remember more Fun, Scary, Beautiful, Tense, Wonderful and downright life threatening adventures you've had. People like to read stories... and imagine themselves on board. Some may never hire you, but the more people visit, the more they ask questions or write comments and want to interact with you. The more people visit, the higher you rank in search engines so that those who might hire you CAN find you.

Just my two cents... just looks like it could be an exciting website. FUN for you to remember great memories and write about - but also a source of income once you get it really going. IT's not easy money... but it's fun and rewarding as you work through the process!

October 22nd, 2014, 05:48 AM
I have a couple of things to add. The site looks ok but is slow to load (too many big image files? - are they all necessary?). Also, the floating share button drives me crazy! :) I would get rid of it.

Lynn is right that it has to be either a traffic or a conversion problem (or both). I quickly checked one review(?) on the blog re Sea Eagle inflatable boats and to me it reads more like an ad than a review. The might cause conversion problems.

What comes to the feeling of not having anything to say or offer, it's probably a temporary blah we all suffer from time to time. :)

On the whole, I see no reason why you couldn't succeed with your current niche. You know how to write, have a niche with high-ticket products (I checked the Amazon store) to promote etc. You just need to find your direction/angle and perhaps some new skills (like writing better reviews, how to drive organic traffic to your site, a strategy for using social media etc). Joining Lynn's Elite brainstorming group (you will also get the Niche Success Blueprint if you do) is a good idea - there you can have in depth advice for you business.

I've known Lynn for over 4 years and I can vouch for her personally. :)

October 22nd, 2014, 08:31 AM
Hey there, Captain.

A few things to think about.

1 - At the top of your page, the thing I notice is that your call to action is kind of disjointed. I need to put the different elements together to figure out what it is you are offering (yacht captain services, yes?). To do this, my eyes first saw "Contact me Today." OK - why do I want to do that? Well, over to the left I see a picture of a yacht captain (presumably that's you, yes?), so I now know who I'm contacting, but why? A little more reading, and I have it: You are offering your services as a freelance captain, a delivery service (of people's yachts? of stuff that people want to ship, using your yacht?) and teaching. I think that's a lot of work for my short attention span. I'd start by tightening up the above-the-fold message.

2 - I understand what others are saying about the slowness of the site, though my experience is not too bad in that regard. But I'm going to disagree with the idea that your images are too big (though I'm certainly no expert on this). Seeing those big pictures puts my imagination to work in a way that small pictures cannot. They are beautiful to look at and the mere experience of enjoying them is reason enough for me to not click away immediately. But this could be something to test once you get enough traffic. After all, you are primarily - but not exclusively - interested in monetizing the site - not giving landlubbers like me a pleasant visual experience. But the pleasant experience might get people to stay long enough to to become curious enough to explore.

3 - In terms of stories - my God, man! The stories you must have! Stormy weather sailing. Sailing in the doldrums. Fish tales. Funny experiences with your clients. Best ports of call and why. Interesting people you've met along the way. Any interesting photographs or videos to go with the stories? Your experience with the tools of your trade. The best GPS system to use when at port. Does this change when you're out at sea? I don't know - I'm a landlubber (truly).

You are communicating in a niche that people romance about. They plan vacations for this kind of stuff. They need gear, ideas and love to hear stories.

Do business people (and others) plan "retreats" on yachts? Do hotels make package deals with yacht owners (and captains?). Again, I don't know... just asking. :)

Hope this helps a little bit.

- Bal

October 24th, 2014, 10:42 AM
Thanks to Lynn and everyone that left comments and feedback. There are some really good suggestions here. I am going to list them all and take a look. Wendy, Satu, and Balsimon made some good points.

In particular, Balsimon made the comment, "After all, you are primarily - but not exclusively - interested in monetizing the site - not giving landlubbers like me a pleasant visual experience."

This is very true. My niche is a little unusual compared to many "make money online niches". It can lend itself to people just looking at "the pretty pictures" and not actually boaters and sailors looking for great content, value, etc.

The take away that I get from everyone's feedback is that the real problem is ME. I'm getting in my own way. Maybe I'm just too close to it, over-thinking it, etc.

Thanks again All!

Lynn Terry
October 24th, 2014, 11:41 AM
It's very common to over-think, over analyze, get overwhelmed, etc. Once you get knee deep into your business setup a bit of overwhelm tends to take over. It happens to all of us. ;-) You did the right thing by reaching out and asking for feedback! Take some time to absorb it, consider it, implement it even - and let us know if you have any questions along the way. :)