View Full Version : New and very afraid... Here I go again!

January 3rd, 2015, 07:55 PM
Hi Everyone.

I have been stalking Lynn's blog for a while now trying to decide if I want to take this step again. I'm sure you've heard it all before but i've been down this road already. I put in countless hours of work in the past only to run into a dead end with no feedback. Big dollars on programs that I thought would teach me how to market online led to an empty bank account. Not to mention the lost time. What a let down.

I had a few lucky streaks. I Made a profit from clickbank that I never got to collect due to the payout policy at the time. There's 180 bucks floating around in there that i'm sure i'll never see. I did that in 12 hrs and although I can't get a hold of the cash I know it's possible to make it. It was a difficult technique and I'm not sure I could duplicate the method now. With all this said I'd like to cut to the chase and introduce myself to save some time right off the bat.

I'm a Journeyman electrician in a small town full of good ol' boys and their cronies ( every trade has them) so I don't get much work. I love my work but I'm not ready to take on the whole town to get a predetermined slice of the pie. It's exhausting. I really love being at home and I have a lot of hobbies and crafts. I love working with my hands and i'm good at it. I want my home business to center around one or all of these hobbies but they all seem pretty saturated. I would have to find a new angle If it were even viable.

I'm a resourceful gal. I can make a buck or two repairing small engines, selling plants from my small nursery, teaching crochet techniques or just selling my work. I love to build things and i'm also quite interested in emergency survival. Another interest I have is to convey a message to everyone that they too can make a living working from home and not necessarily online. A friend of mine suggested a website called pammydoes.com with sub headings for each of my hobbies. Well I don't know how it works I'm here for feed back.

I'm aware that building websites are time consuming. I remember the frustration and my brain hurting. I was and still am ready to do the work but my gosh I'd like to see some results this time. So I guess my biggest setback before was SEO. I detest it. Maybe because I never really understood it. I know I never got any traffic.

I'm a hard worker and i'm determined. I guess the main question I have is, is there a way to start bringing in profits while I build a long term business with Lynn's programs? I absolutely just want to do affiliate marketing right now. And where is the best place to start? I have a very small savings left. I'd rather use it to make money to pay the the bills than pay the bills and have nothing left. I'm ready to begin my journey to living my dream.

January 5th, 2015, 06:18 PM
OMgosh! I was thinking of using the name of my blog to introduce my different hobbies Like pammy does small engine repair etc... However, that name is taken and it isn't pretty. :o I guess I better get back to my research. Why am I shocked. Silly me!

Lynn Terry
January 5th, 2015, 08:45 PM
Hi - is it Pammy? Welcome :)

A blog like pammydoes.com (or we could brainstorm better domain options) would be considered a personal blog, and would be a great way to talk about your variety of hobbies, interests & skills.

I hate to hear of your past experience. It sounds like you got caught up more in the "make money online" aspect, which is quite different than building a solid online business that serves a real market - and has long term profit potential.

I would love to work with you step by step! The absolute best deal at the moment is to join my Private Brainstorming Group. That is where I can work with you every step of the way, and you'll also get access to my step-by-step Niche Success Blueprint and my Social Marketing Results course - both of which will lead you into setting up an ideal (profitable!) online business you'll ENJOY.

Right now you can join at a low monthly rate (which is usually closed). You can do that by going to: http://www.clicknewz.com/members/payments.php and it'll allow you to upgrade immediately. Once you sign up, go straight to this thread to get started on both courses: http://www.clicknewz.com/members/showthread.php?10743-Free-Member-Product-Access-amp-Affiliate-Signup

I look forward to working with you!

January 18th, 2015, 04:57 AM
Hi Pammy - have I got this right? You are a female electrician?

I have just been through a major house refurbishment and I have absolutely had my fill of male tradesmen and their attitudes (I know I'm generalising, but that was my experience!) - I would have loved to have access to a website written by a female tradesman that explained some of the basics, and also how to deal with particular problems, in a way that made sense to me.

On so many days, I was suddenly asked by the builders - 'So do you want to do A or B and we need to know by tomorrow' - and I'd spend the whole evening on the internet trying to understand the implications of choosing 'A' or 'B', because the builders never tell you. They don't give you a timeline, they don't refer you to any videos online which might help you with your decision etc. They just expect you to know stuff, and because you are naive, you expect them to tell you if your decisions have implications - but they don't.

For example - I didn't know I had to decide where all my power points were going to be at a really early stage of the process. I would have loved to have gone to a website in which someone had outlined all the issues related to electrics that I needed to know/make decisions on ahead of time. Or where I could find out the ideal placement for my ceiling lights - technical stuff (rather than design) that I really should have known.

The site could also include any of the basic stuff/maintenance we should/could all be doing at home, stuff about LEDs and color temperature, the amazing things you could do with LEDs, all that kind of thing. I imagine you could monetise with electrical products, and it would also raise your profile as an electrician.

This could obviously be done by a male or female, but I would take advantage of your gender and use it as a way to appeal to women, who in my experience, are generally the driving force behind home renovation!

Maybe you could get contributions from other female tradies you know for the other trades.

This might not interest you at all - but just letting you know I think there's demand for it. I would have loved it!
