View Full Version : You're Not Alone...

Joseph Ratliff
January 19th, 2015, 03:49 PM
If you’re doubting whether or not you can write a best-seller, you’re not alone, so has every famous author.

If you don’t think anyone will ever read your blog, you’re not alone, most blogs take years to develop.

If you wake up at 2 am because you think you’re going to lose your job tomorrow, don’t worry, most of us have been there.

Just started a business, and worrying about whether or not you’ll make payroll?

You’re not alone, the most successful businesses have been there too.

But this goes way beyond business…

You’re not alone when you get that cancer test back from the doctor, and it’s positive.

You’re not alone if you miss your daughter’s recital, and it was because the car broke down.

You’re not alone in thinking “What the hell is this country coming to?”

You’re not alone in thinking “What the hell is that strange feeling in my body?”and later finding out it was just gas.

You’re not alone in thinking “I want to help, but how can I if I can’t even put food on the table?”

There are tons of situations where you can feel alone, worthless, like you can’t do it anymore etc…

… but I wanted you to know you’re not alone… so hopefully you’ll be able to move along the journey of life and do something about it.

But even if you don’t want to do something about it, you’re not alone.

We’re all human, we all have faults, we're all scared, and I guarantee that someone out there feels the way you’re feeling right now. :cool:

Lynn Terry
January 19th, 2015, 04:48 PM
Love it! What a great message :)

It goes along nicely with my recent post at: http://www.clicknewz.com/10710/fear-of-failure/ too ;-)


Joseph Ratliff
January 19th, 2015, 05:04 PM
Love it! What a great message :)

It goes along nicely with my recent post at: http://www.clicknewz.com/10710/fear-of-failure/ too ;-)


Amen to that Lynn. :cool: