View Full Version : Free Email Designer - Does anyone know of one?

January 26th, 2015, 04:54 PM
Hi Guys,

I'm marketing on a budget, i have found a e-marketing tool which works well but i was wondering if anyone had any alternatives or something i can use in conjunction with this site?

At the moment i'm using http://freeemaileditor.com/, to create the email's. Just to explain, it has a quick and easy drag and drop editor which then converts your design to html and lets you download it. This is great because there is no sign up, it's all free. Obviously there is an option to then send the email, but as i said before i'm on a budget and looking for a solution to send 1000's of emails for free.

Any ideas, tips and tricks will be awesome...

Lynn Terry
January 28th, 2015, 02:45 PM
Welcome Liana :)

Unfortunately it is not recommended to send thousands of emails for free - and you want to be cautious about which mailing list manager you DO choose. If you send the emails through your own server/ISP, they may take action or cut off your service. Using anything other than a trusted service, such as mailing through your host, could get your email address and/or domain blacklisted - which is near impossible to recover from.

Ultimately most people end up at Aweber (the market leader in email list management). If you start somewhere else and try to move your list there, you'll lose close to 90% of that list in the move. So it's just not worth it NOT to start there. They do offer a free trial (http://sswt.aweber.com) so you can get set up and get started, and your goal should be to cover the low cost of the service within the month - through your communication with your list, of course.

May 13th, 2015, 02:37 AM
Many of us started out using free resources. Ask us to do it again...we'd be at aweber from the start. I'm locked in at grandfathered status so I'm not sure of the added benefits you get now lol

There are many cheaper options but you get what you pay for. Biggest is, do you get unlimited lists and autoresponders? I work with so many new marketers/bloggers and when I talk about autoresponders they have no idea what I'm talking about.

November 8th, 2015, 06:06 PM
Mailchimp offer a few thousand for free if you include their branding on your emails.
But I would question if you need to do it for free is it worth your time doing it?

November 13th, 2015, 01:37 PM
Many of us started out using free resources. Ask us to do it again...we'd be at aweber from the start.

Ditto although right now I'm using GetResponse. I like aspects of both.

Lynn Terry
November 27th, 2015, 03:11 PM
Think twice about using MailChimp. Read: http://www.clicknewz.com/7348/mailchimp-vs-affiliates/

You really want a reliable mailing list manager, with your own branding.

Even Aweber offers a trial period: http://sswt.aweber.com Just make it a point to MAKE it profitable from the start so that it's a great investment, instead of just another expense. :)