View Full Version : New Google Thin Review Product Review Slap! or Not?

July 22nd, 2009, 09:19 AM
I wrote a blog post last night titled "New Google Slap for Thin Affiliate Review Sites (http://askjamesholmes.com/marketing/affiliatemarketing/new-google-slap-for-thin-affiliate-review-sites)" concerning Perry Marshall and Dr. Glenn Livingston's assertion that Google is at it again and this time their scope is keenly focused on "thin affiliate product review sites" and perhaps affiliate marketers in general - so they say.

I know from listening to an extended interview on Internet Marketing This Week (IMTW), that Perry does not consider the affiliate business a real business in the truest sense. I don't happen to agree as professional affiliate marketers do serve as a valuable resource to the marketplace - both to consumers and creators of the products and services they market.

I fully appreciate Google priorities, they must be loyal to their users experience and they will always work to ensure that searchers receive quality, relevant search results and protect against gaming their system. As with the recent YouTube Slap on marketers, we have to provide value - always!

It is an interesting article, the references Dr. Livingston makes in the email Perry shared in the post are to be noted. I would love to hear your feedback on this important issue and on Perry advice to affiliate marketers.

Lynn Terry
July 22nd, 2009, 09:32 AM
I was just reading Perry's article myself, which can be found here:


From what I understand, Perry is referring to PPC (specifically Adwords) in this article. He mentions that their "quality score" went from 10 to 1 overnight, for example. So this is for those using Google Adwords as a source of traffic - and not the natural search results.

July 22nd, 2009, 09:39 AM
You were the first person I thought of Lynn remembering the IMTW discussion. Somehow I managed to post this twice, sorry about that - trying to edit type-O. I have the hang of it now. Really nice work you have done here!

July 22nd, 2009, 09:44 AM
From what I understand, Perry is referring to PPC (specifically Adwords) in this article. He mentions that their "quality score" went from 10 to 1 overnight, for example. So this is for those using Google Adwords as a source of traffic - and not the natural search results.

Thanks for clearning that up Lynn. While a lot of the review sites are just an attempt at legitimate affiliate link farms, there are some that I find above-board and quite helpful.

Lynn Terry
July 22nd, 2009, 09:48 AM
Here is the link to that IMTW Podcast Episode for anyone interested:

I used to promote affiliate programs & affiliate sites on Google Adwords - but was hit with the first "affiliate slap" years ago. 4 years ago I think? At any rate, that's when I switched to an seo marketing model... and have never looked back.

I do love Perry's advice to "own the conversation", take control of the sale, etc. You absolutely MUST add value to the process as an affiliate... no matter how you market it. That's what we call Visitor Optimization :)

July 22nd, 2009, 10:04 AM
Where is the IMTW podcast link to this Perry Marshall interview? I'm not seeing any reference to that over at IMTW. I'd like to hear that before I comment.

Lynn Terry
July 22nd, 2009, 10:11 AM
I linked to it, right above your reply ^^^ :)

July 22nd, 2009, 10:16 AM
Sorry, you replied while I had the page open & was off reading the other two articles and didn't see your link. ;) Off to listen to that.