View Full Version : How do I plan what to write about?

November 9th, 2009, 11:26 AM
Here I am at the end of a loooong time of neglecting my blogs due to focusing on product creation.

And now I want to bang out loads of articles and my goodness LOTS more blog posts too.

So what do I write about?

I like writing but coming up with topics for let's say, the next month, of blog posts and articles is enough to send me into a tizzy.

How do you plan your writing diary / schedule?

Anyone got an anti - tizzy remedy?



November 9th, 2009, 12:03 PM
Here you go:
:) N

November 9th, 2009, 12:13 PM
It depends on your topic but I offer lots of advice on how to find topics at http://www.internetworkmarketingwealth.com/articles

November 9th, 2009, 04:39 PM
Thank You Nicole - you're an absolute angel!

Totally LUV http://mostlysanemarketing.com (http://mostlysanemarketing.com) by the way!!



November 9th, 2009, 04:40 PM
Thank you Anna - I'm now on your list and I'll explore your site too



November 10th, 2009, 12:53 AM
If you use Internet marketing techniques-- and you should be-- your market will give you lots of ideas to write about. Use the Google or Wordtracker keyword tools. Type in a seed word or 2 and you'll get a list of related topics-- complete with numbers showing how many searchers are looking to read it.

If your blog has been going for awhile, check your Google Analytics stats (if you don't have GA, it's free, so I suggest installing it). It will tell you the most popular pages, thus posts, you've already written. Elaborate on more popular topics in your future entries.

Another way is to read your competitor's blogs. Don't copy them. Write about what they miss. Make mental notes of what they are overlooking regarding a topic.

Anyway, that's what comes to mind of the top of my head.

Wade Watson

November 10th, 2009, 04:03 AM
Thanks Wade - much appreciated


November 10th, 2009, 08:11 PM
Right now I'm in the middle of creating daily content for my own blog as well as the other blogs that I'm guest blogging at for my Home Office Fitness Blog Tour (Inspired by the one and only Nicole Dean of course:D)

What got me in the habit of writing daily posts was committing to a 30 Day Home Office Fitness Challenge on my blog. I mapped out the content that I would share each day for the challenge. It was either an exercise tip, a workout, a cardio session, a nutrition tip, or a motivation tip.

It took a little planning but creating the challenge sure helped.

You could come up with four 7 day challenges if you wanted as well.

I use Google Alerts to inspire blog posts as well.

I also add a mix of video, podcasts, and articles.

What's also helping me right now is bringing on guest bloggers to my site too.

David Jackson
November 10th, 2009, 08:35 PM
How do you plan your writing diary / schedule?

Alex, I know this is going to sound elementary, but usually, I don't plan anything - I just write. You should never be at a loss for ideas, because ideas are all around you. You just have to be perceptive enough to recognize a good topic idea when you see it.

For example, I like to read. So many of my articles are a result of something I read or observed. I'm also inspired to write about people who make an impression on me.

In fact, I just completed a brand new article about USP's (Unique Selling Propositions). Barack Obama and my childhood doctor were my inspirations for that article.

Like I said, ideas are all around you. Just write!

David Jackson

November 11th, 2009, 07:52 AM
David, right now "Like I said, ideas are all around you. Just write!" does not work for me! In fact that IS the problem!!

I think for me right now Scott's approach is going to be what I need - it is a structure.

I started to realise this after I posted the question. As soon as I have a structure I use it very energetically

This is the kind of thing I mean, Scott says, "It was either an exercise tip, a workout, a cardio session, a nutrition tip, or a motivation tip." so I need to adapt this approach for my blogs.

If I remember correctly problogger advised using e.g. Monday a news post, Wednesday a review, Friday etc.

Thanks for the suggestions guys!!

November 11th, 2009, 02:36 PM
I often survey my market to find out what they are most interested in. This way I know I am on target with what they need, want and are willing to invest time in reading.