View Full Version : What I m Doing Wrong?

December 10th, 2009, 09:33 AM
Slowly and steady i m going to complete my site, it launches almost one year ago but still have PR 1..Look at my site i think i m doing some thing wrong in my ON Page SEO..My site is http://www.designsoftstudios.com

Lynn Terry
December 10th, 2009, 09:49 AM
You might be able to use the services on this page:



You have 3 links in your signature here on the forum, all 3 pointing back to the same page with different anchor text. Multiple links from one page are not going to carry as much weight as multiple links from multiple pages. Just FYI. It's also not very human-friendly (a bit confusing to real people).

See: Web Page Optimization (http://www.clicknewz.com/2103/web-page-optimization/) (a checklist)

Also, the majority of your inbound links are to your main page. You need deep links to your internal pages as well to boost your overall link score.

December 10th, 2009, 05:18 PM
Harry - PR does not matter a bean. What matters is traffic and what you want there is paying customers. So focus on building targetted traffic

Your site looks ( forgive me) like every other bland website design company on the Net. The language you use on the page is corporate lingo that most people do not use.

Have a think about what you do best and who are your best customers. And then simplify your page to speak simply and directly to them.

The 3 links you have in your sig file should be pointing at different page in your site and you need better anchor text too.

Lost of free advice on all this on Clicknewz (http://www.clicknewz.com/2103/web-page-optimization/)

All The Best
