View Full Version : Guest Bloggin

June 23rd, 2012, 06:05 PM
...if someone requests to guest blog on my site, is there anything that I should require from them?


June 23rd, 2012, 08:25 PM
Absolutely, you should require that it be unique content, not posted anywhere else on the web. Also, that you retain all rights to it. Tell them you will get back to them within 5-7 days to let them know if it's accepted (and if you don't accept it, don't feel bad they can use it elsewhere). A bio is good to offer them with a link or two.

IF I know the guest blogger well, I might let them have 2-3 links within the content and bio.

Not all guest blog post requests will be good so make sure you know what they will be linking to before accepting.

Hope this helps.