I'm interested as well for http://www.FatLossQuickie.com
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I'm interested as well for http://www.FatLossQuickie.com
I use iMovie '09 and love it. As mentioned you can use iDVD that comes with it to burn your dvd. I've done it and it works well. I haven't had the need to make the big investment in Final Cut yet.
Right now I'm in the middle of creating daily content for my own blog as well as the other blogs that I'm guest blogging at for my Home Office Fitness Blog Tour (Inspired by the one and only Nicole...
So what you are saying is that you like tweetglide, yet you haven't clicked on any ads yet? Do you think others are doing exactly the same thing and not clicking?
I too am making money through...
I really can't stand ads personally and feel that it would only be a distraction to me.
I think Bob gave a pretty appropriate review at his blog
I don't like mixing ads with Twitter and it wouldn't be something that I would use, but may be good for someone starting out.
Great idea Sheila! When does it start? I'll post about it on my blog since I absolutely love your blog and work and think that this would be awesome for the readers of the Fat Loss Quickie blog.
I'm not a big fan of the word "Realistic" when it comes to goal setting. I find that it limits what's possible. If everyone set realistic goals we wouldn't have people on the moon and we probably...
Are you looking for products in specific niches?
Oh boy! I've been there and learned the hard way. It took me a few times, but all those wasted hours and losing loads of content just crushed me.
Oh... the cool thing about Mac's is the Time...
Stephen, I hope that you are backing up your information regularly. Do you have an external hard drive or any other back up system?
I haven't had a single issue with my Mac during since buying it...
It's true what they say... Once you go Mac you never go back ;)
I bought a Macbook Pro a year ago when the new model came out. It's absolutely light as a feather so it's great for travel and it's...
I love Camtasia and think it's well worth it. Is it really $299 now? I got it recently for $150
For videos shorter than 5 minutes I've also used the free version of Jing http://www.jingproject.com/
Great question Meredith and one I'm looking forward to hearing some answers to.
I'm going to be adding some legal and privacy pages on my site and was planning on using Auto Web Law to help me...
Way to go Michelle! Keep that momentum rolling.
It's always been the case for me that when I take breaks and enjoy a balanced lifestyle, that's when the money comes in.
Sure sounds like you...
This is absolutely awesome! I can't wait to do some quickie workouts with Jimmy since it's such a significant part of his homepreneur lifestyle.
Not only is the speaker lineup getting better and...
I never have an issue coming up with content. Sometimes I'll just hear two people talking about a fitness issue, or I'll be at a party and listen to conversations.
The news is always full of hot...
It's an awesome interview Angie. You'll enjoy it. By the way, I mentioned you on my blog today ;)
Thanks for the props on my site Johnny Mac!
Deirdre, you better believe that I'll enjoy the ice...
Hey gang, I'm celebrating my 34th birthday by giving you an information packed interview that I did with Lynn Terry on the topic of "Super Affiliate Strategies".
This is an awesome interview...
Great topic!
I started marketing my fitness business online for several reasons. #1 being that I wanted more freedom to spend time with my family.
#2 was because I only had so many hours in the...
Lynn, I had almost forgot about our get rich quick and drop 20 pounds in one minute scheme ;) Thanks for reminding me.
I just watched a video that Stephen Pierce put out there. Guess what he said?...
The death of my grandmother and watching how great my parents are with my kids sparked the creation of an ebook that I wrote called "Positive Grandparenting." It was from my perspective as a...
It is a pretty interesting trend eh Lynn? And I believe that's one of the key themes of Nicole's Success Cast... That we aren't any more special or any more 'lucky' than anyone else out there.
Rich, I for one am grateful that Lynn said what she did. That's exactly the type of response that I would have given.
It's kind of like my personal training clients telling me they have bad...
Wow... as I was writing my post... more incredible comments came in. You all ROCK! Wow... what a great conversation.
I think I may have surprised Lynn when I interviewed her nearly a year ago and...