Hi I am looking for someone to help me do a custom navigation trick with my word press / thesis / member wishlist installation
Type: Posts; User: whittierpc; Keyword(s):
Hi I am looking for someone to help me do a custom navigation trick with my word press / thesis / member wishlist installation
Someone made another good point to me today... don't trademarks have to have the (tm) on the logo or media??
Like to google logo ... look at it http://bizbox.slate.com/blog/google.jpg
You make a VERY interesting point Clay Franklin.. THANK YOU!
I am curious to see where this goes..
Well I didn't mean every domain.. just the obvious ones...
I mean what is to stop any company from going after any affiliate marketer for invading their niche?
Who will stand up against these...
The thing that doesn't make sense is they left SO many domains open for registration... WHO DOES THAT?
I understand...
Interesting story I read just the other day
Read Page 2
I would agree! Any suite can type up a letter..
I don't intend to just give up the domain without a fight, I just find it funny that they are this threatened..
I had just finished reading a...
I am still laughing to myself
So I got started in IM last year and registered several domains for projects throughout the year.
I will reveal my niche because I would like some input on...
I just checked my sites rankings and after 5 months I have made it to PAGE 1 OF GOOGLE!!
I am in Position #5 for my main keyword
I have this overwhelming sense of accomplishment!!
I am sorry susmita I don't follow?
So I have just joined the group!! LOL
Makes me feel better at least... :)
Hey Guys & Gals
Okay so my question today is about Bing
I gather from some reading that no one really understands how Bing has chosen to operate their Spiders...
I said that because