Wow... as I was writing my post... more incredible comments came in. You all ROCK! Wow... what a great conversation.

I think I may have surprised Lynn when I interviewed her nearly a year ago and told her that it took me 18 months to earn my first dollar online. I believe her words were something along the line, "If you were my husband I would have kicked you to the curb" I'm paraphrasing

I'm seriously lucky to have an understanding and supportive wife, although there were certainly times where she questioned me and asked the all so important question, "What's your breaking point". Basically she told me to set a date and if I didn't reach a certain financial goal I should pack it in. Boy do I ever love her for saying that.

This was all after I had claimed bankruptcy from a failed health club.

I was however busting my butt during the day with my personal training business while learning Internet Marketing at night after the kids were in bed. So at least I was bringing in some good money in the process, but I sure wish I would have started earning money online much sooner than I had.

Looking back at my journey, I feel that it was lack of focus in the beginning that held me back. I had no direction. I was buying ebooks with big claims and promises but little applicable knowledge.

I swore that I would never buy another ebook again because they just seemed to tease you and try to get you to go into their home study courses.

But just recently I purchased 3 ebooks that cost less than $20 and they are having a great impact on my business.

It wasn't until I hired mentors that I gained that focus.

I always acknowledge my mentors as the biggest reason for my success. But they always reply directly back and say, "Scott, it's not our mentoring that made you a success, it's that you took what we taught you and you actually applied it."

Mentors have many students, yet many of them don't apply the advice so all the guidance is useless.