Are you spinning your wheels? Not really getting any traction in your business? I was thinking the other day about my business and what would be the things I could change that would take me to the next level or better yet change my life.

I think changing a few simple things would make all the difference. I am guilty of having internet ADD and chasing shiny objects. I also have a hard time making decisions about which niche to follow, what blog post to write.. everything is over analyzed.

So my silver bullets or the things that would make a huge difference would be:

  • Make decisions quickly and stick to them

  • Take action on a consistent basis towards the goals that I have set

  • Don't get distracted by every new thing that comes down the pike.

This is not all the things I am working on but, these are the ones that if I could get good at, it would change everything in my business.. (The proverbial "Silver Bullets")

What's Yours?
