Steve - I don't think you understand what I'm saying. Copy and paste is irrelevant. Suppose I go to your blog and read this:

Acheive your goals: shiny objects (achieve is misspelled btw)
I am going to be doing several posts on how to achieve your goals. For me, setting goals is easy, but following through with them is not. I am very bad at shiny object distractions. What is that?

I rewrite your post as follows:

Meet Your Goals: Needless Toys
My next few posts will be about meeting your goals. I have no problem making goals, but meeting them is difficult. Why? Too many needless toys. What are needless toys?

I have just plagiarized your post. I have copied nothing verbatim, but I'm still a thief. I've stolen your ideas. This is what is meant by stealing ideas and that's ALL I was saying.