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Thread: YouTube and Wordpress

  1. #1

    Default YouTube and Wordpress

    As I'm sure many of you are, I'm following along on Lynn's link building series. The other day, she made this comment in Effective Link Building: One Major Ingredient:

    "Published a related YouTube video, include the hyperlink in the description field"

    So being the gunho guy that I am, I made a video and uploaded it to YouTube. (Definitely a learning experience!) I decided that I wanted to include that video into a post that I am doing. (Similar to what Lynn did in Analyzing Backlinks: How Many Do You Need?). I figured out how to get the video embedded. What I cannot figure out is how to format it so that I can write around the video. I didn't want to it huge in the post; kind of like a picture (besides the option to fullscreen is there) I can have text before and after the video, but I cannot write along side of it. Is there a way to do this like for a picture or do I just have make the video take up the width of my post and be happy with the text before and after?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Bellevue, WA


    Hi Nelson,

    It's pretty easy actually. At least it was for me.

    First, though, I have to assume you embedded your video with the WordPress insert media icon on the second line of the WordPress entry toolbar.

    If so - then here's what to do. Click your video in the editor and then click the media icon to call up the Insert Media dialog.

    You should see an "Advanced" tab. Click it. Then you'll see the second field on the left of the dialog: Align.

    Choose your alignment and click OK.

    Worked like a charm for me. Hopefully for you too.



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