No wonder customers are expecting instant communication now days. I use Screenflow for my screencasts. They just released a paid upgrade and it didn't work for me so now my videos had their watermark. I opened a ticket they said 24-48 hours for response. Fine.

I go whine on Twitter about the stupid 30 minutes they responded and fixed it for me.

A day after it was taken care via Twitter I got the response to my support ticket asking for more was already taken care of on Twitter.

Then I wondered. The cable for my cable TV is dangling from the side of my house (it's been windy the last couple days) so you can see this black cable just dangling there. I hate calling Comcast because there is always a wait and you have to hit this button and that button to reach a real person on the phone.

So I posted a Tweet to them asking if they could help me get someone out here to fix it...within minutes I get THREE responses. This morning Comcast called me to schedule an appt.

People can argue about Twitter's effectiveness till the cows come home but when you have a major, HUGE company like Comcast tripping themselves over to help me in minutes shows how effective it can be beyond trying to make money off of it.