As I'm sure many of you are, I'm following along on Lynn's link building series. The other day, she made this comment in Effective Link Building: One Major Ingredient:

"Published a related YouTube video, include the hyperlink in the description field"

So being the gunho guy that I am, I made a video and uploaded it to YouTube. (Definitely a learning experience!) I decided that I wanted to include that video into a post that I am doing. (Similar to what Lynn did in Analyzing Backlinks: How Many Do You Need?). I figured out how to get the video embedded. What I cannot figure out is how to format it so that I can write around the video. I didn't want to it huge in the post; kind of like a picture (besides the option to fullscreen is there) I can have text before and after the video, but I cannot write along side of it. Is there a way to do this like for a picture or do I just have make the video take up the width of my post and be happy with the text before and after?