Today, Lynn gave simple clear powerful advice in the Weekly free seminar, on controlling the torrent of stuff pouring into your Inbox and your life.

Simply put - set up folders for all your subscriptions and create message rules to shove all the subscriptions into the folders.

You can keep your Inbox clean and clear of promo junk - and either unsub or create rules to move the email to a folder and you can look through that once a week.

I've just spent about 30 mins doing that. I'm sure I'll have more to do over the next few days but the structure is there.

I unsubbed from a few too and this after quite a cull a few weeks ago.

My Inbox now has emails from Kathy Baker my biz partner and Lynn and a small number of bloggers I keep close tabs on so I can post very soon after they do.

Thing is I've known about this strategy for maintaining focus and maximising time for about 3 years...

I guess Lynn managed to land a whack that got me going today.


How about you? Who is controlling your Inbox?