I am going to be doing a live case study to test a marketing method before teaching it to my students.

I will be choosing a choosing a niche, doing keyword research, buying a domain, creating a site, and marketing a few products to a niche with a goal of making $50 per day at the end of my 50 day case study. I will also be only spending 30 minutes per day on the project.

I will be showing you the steps I take and decisions I make to reach my goal.

I will try to update this thread daily, or at least multiple times per week to report status, and decisions that need to be made to reach my goal.

I'm doing this also to prove to people that it doesnt take that much work on a consistent basis to make a significant change in your income, and also to make myself follow all of the steps I will be teaching new and existing student to take with their own business.

Your feedback will be appreciated, and I hope to answer any questions promptly, as well as consider new methods and techniques into this live case study.