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Thread: 60 Second Mistake Got Me Banned From Warrior

  1. #11


    My opinion on the WF is that it is a huge, steaming pile of poop the size of Texas littered with diamonds.
    Tom, I hereby outsource all my comments on this topic to you.

    Your way of putting it is both fair, accurate, and wonderfully colorful entertainment. Great writing!

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Allen, TX (near Dallas)


    My issue with WF is that there are so many "fake it until you make it" people on there giving bad advice, that it is hard to tell the good advice from the bad. When you add that to the number of total JERKS and scam artists there, I have a hard time justifying investing my time in their product.

  3. #13


    ! I have been banned from 2 forums; both for LIFE...
    Only two? Dang, you aren't trying hard enough!

    Seriously, you make a good point Matthew. I've been banned from forums too, (more than two, I win!) and we can perhaps be helpful by reporting this honestly to Ken.

    Being banned isn't automatically a bad thing.

    Ok, it can be, if we're pointlessly rude or blatantly and repeatedly ignore reasonable rules etc. Surely many bannings fit this description.

    However, if we're serious about the topic, and serious about writing, getting banned from a community can be sort of an art form.

    If one should be eccentric enough to wish to practice this goofy art form, here's a premise to build upon.

    If the things we want to hear, would get us where we want to go, we'd already be there.
    Point being, the boundaries of the group consensus can be very productive territory to explore. Trying to contribute something at least somewhat different than what's already been said a thousand times, is a writer's job.

    But, here's the problem.

    In any community, there will always be lots of folks that have a significant ego investment, and maybe business investment too, in the group consensus. This is especially true for thought leaders within the group.

    In addition, the group consensus is the conceptual framework that defines the group, and the glue that holds it together.

    So, if we are effective in exploring the boundaries of a group consensus, we can be seen as a threat both to individuals within the group, and the group itself.

    Whatever our niche, or publishing platform, the equation for writers seems to be about the same.

    If we stay squarely within the group consensus, we'll be safe, but invisible.

    If we write beyond the group consensus, our profile might pop up above the waves of an endless ocean of other writers....

    .... but we should expect incoming tomatoes as the price of doing business.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    May 2010
    San Antonio


    Quote Originally Posted by TomM View Post
    What was your WSO about. Let me know and I will go in and check it for you to see what its doing. My opinion on the WF is that it is a huge, steaming pile of poop the size of Texas littered with diamonds. If you know what your looking for it can be excellent. However, I spent alot of wasted time there when I was investigating the IM world. This forum is a much better place for advice.
    Thanks Tom!

    It's probably on the 3rd page by now. The WSO is about better audio recording. I think the the subject line is something like "Massively Improve Audio Quality from a Home Studio Anyone Can Afford" or something like that.

    Thanks again!


    ps my WF username is KenTheriot, which is really what I should change it to here as well.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Ontario, Canada


    Having recently been banned for a week myself, I can tell you that you are basically at the mercy of whatever mood the specific mod happens to be in at the time they see your thread.

    I mean, it's not like we're in there waging war or trying to hurt each other.

    I simply asked people what they'd ask high level marketers if they got a chance to meet them. Banned.

    If you so much as breathe the acronym WSO outside of your actual WSO post, you run a very good chance of being banned.

    I would calmly and politely approach a mod or submit a ticket and see if you can get your WSO re-run...but don't hold your breath.

    Sorry it happened to you all the same.


  6. #16
    Join Date
    May 2010
    San Antonio


    Thanks Mike. I will be a wiser Warrior next week.


  7. #17


    Ken - there's no BUY button in your WSO - there is, but it goes to that audio that is linked after the first main paragraph. And a guy asked yesterday for the buy button. Did you maybe get it wrong in there or did they take it out? hmm...

  8. #18
    Join Date
    May 2010
    San Antonio


    Quote Originally Posted by lisamariemary View Post
    Ken - there's no BUY button in your WSO - there is, but it goes to that audio that is linked after the first main paragraph. And a guy asked yesterday for the buy button. Did you maybe get it wrong in there or did they take it out? hmm...
    Lisa (is that right?),

    Thanks for letting me know. It DID work at first, but I was having to do so much to tweak things that it may have gotten messed up when someone said to change the podcast audio link.

    GRRRR. And there's nothing I can do about it. That was a waste of $20 I guess.

    I appreciate your letting me know. I'm guessing my hands are tied since I am banished. Sheesh.


  9. #19
    Join Date
    May 2010
    San Antonio


    BTW didn't occur to me that maybe you were asking for the url. I'd post it here but I don't want to get banned from here too.



  10. #20


    SSWT has a special offers forum that is totally free - go post it there right now!!!

    And if you change your price point just a bit (up) you can blog about it and tweet about it and ask some friends to tweet about it. And you should totally think about joining the Elite group here when it reopens (next week, I think?)

    This is an awesome place to learn and get tons of support!


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