What is MY VERY OWN MAIL, Lisa?

In a nutshell:
Your child loves to get his/her very own mail! And you really want to
see your children learning to love and enjoy reading.
A fun package from My Very Own Mail
can help you with both of these things!
I can probably send Halloween mailings out for about two more weeks - but, the sooner the better! (I do get nervous on these time-sensitive ones! eek!)

Now here's the cool part - I made a SUPER SPECIAL, SUPER SECRET SSWT link on this page:

Can you guess where it is? ==> It is the winking smiley on the tippy top left of the page! (next to the header!)

You will only pay $10 + shipping! ==> Normal price is $11.97 + shipping!

I've got more crafts and stickers on the way to my house from my supplier as we speak! I swear, I get just as excited to get the box of goodies as the kids are to get their MY VERY OWN MAIL!!

(In fact, I thought the package arrived yesterday, and I was singing to the dog and skipping around ......and then discovered it was some package for my son. wah.)

Guess "Mrs. Lisa" wants her VERY OWN MAIL, too!