I have been learning IM now for just over a year and I know it takes some skill and knowledge, which is what I have been overloading my brain with and trialling many skills in order to learn. However the more I learn about keywords, SEO, etc the more clear and yet confused I seem to get.

Now I think that it may be impossible to make money online now in this era. I can't seem to find a profitable niche where I am sure there is enough traffic, not too much competition etc. Maybe years ago when people like Lynne and others got online, before the internet was swamped with information. But now it seems you need a whole team working together to make any progress! Given that of course there probably are plenty of people making money online and maybe I'm just not 'getting it'...

I know there is not a definitive answer to the above question but can anyone give me hope in answering that question honestly and realistically given the current state of internet marketing, the internet and everything else. Can you REALLY make money online now?
