Earlier today (Tuesday, June 5th) I hosted a Free Webinar with Karon Thackston on the topic of SEO Copywriting.
We had a great turnout, a lot of fabulous feedback, and there was TONS of great content!
Karon is someone I have been learning from since 2004 or 2005, when I originally bought her first course on SEO Copywriting. I have since “collected” (lol) every single course and guide she has published – in every format.
Karon’s courses completely changed the way I write, how well my pages and posts rank, and increased my conversion rates dramatically. I credit her for a good portion of my online success over the last ~7 years. That’s why I wanted to do this free webinar with her, and share some of that same valuable information with you…
Did You Miss The Free Webinar?
If you missed it, or if you attended and just want to listen in again, you can click here to download and/or play the webinar in your browser:
Now through June 8th you can get Karon’s popular Copywriting Course for 30% off AND enjoy a whole slew of cool (highly valuable!) bonuses that she has thrown in! All you have to do is use the special coupon code that she set up for this webinar:
If you want to take advantage of her payment plan, use coupon code: lynn30plan to get 30% off with the payment plan option.
It’s a VERY generous offer, and your satisfaction is guaranteed.
I encourage you to take advantage of these special savings, and study Karon’s material. What I have learned from her, and applied to my own online business, has been invaluable. When you implement even just a few of the things that she teaches, you’ll be amazed at the return on investment.
I know I have been, as I mentioned in the webinar. I am still to this day benefiting from things I learned and implemented from her courses years ago, and continue to get & study every new course she comes out with. I have all three formats of this particular course, in fact. Yes, I’m a huge fan – and I highly recommend you dig in and apply her teachings to your own online business, no matter what business model you have!
Lynn Terry
p.s. Watch the webinar to the end to see what all Karon is throwing in with this incredible 30% off special offer. Amazing! Remember, the coupon code is only good this week and ends on Friday June 8th… Click Here to Check It Out and use coupon code: “lynn30″ (without quotes). Enjoy!
Didn't see info about webinar coming up until it was over. Down loaded the replay ( it took almost a hour). Was just about to go to bed when heard Lynn talking! I had forgotten about. Just figured it failed to download. Came up with a totally black screen and was getting late to listen for 1.5 hours, but listened today. Would liked to have seen what she was pointing out and and was bummed to learn it's too late for the 1 day special, but great info, and still a good buy. Saw Karon at NAMS 6 last summer and was great then too. Thanks for bringing such pertinent info to us.
I purchased Karon's course right after the webinar yesterday. I was supposed to work on an outdoor project today, but got "lucky" in that it rained all day so I've been going through the course. I intend to watch all the videos and then go back and start from the beginning watching again and doing the exercises while constructing copy, etc. for my own sites. It's after 10pm here and I just finished module 9 which leaves only one to go for my "first run through".
There is so much information here that directly pertains to what we're all trying to do that in my opinion this is a "must have" course. I can't remember when I've seen so much value in something I purchased. Karon is the real deal. She's a great teacher and explains everything in simple terms while at the same time making sure you understand seo copywriting and some of the technical terms. Building websites is work, and so is blogging, affiliate marketing and all the rest, so why shouldn't you learn how to do these things in such a way that will significantly multiply your results... meaning $$ in your pocket?
I'm honestly thrilled with the course. I'm sure it will pay for itself many times over. Thanks so much, Lynn and Karon!
Boots, the screen behind the video replay was black, maybe the actual replay was minimized. Sorry you had trouble with it but the replay works fine for me and loaded almost immediately.
Oh yea the deal that ends tomorrow is awesome and there is a payment plan option too. I would highly recommend it! Hope to see you at NAMS in August.