Would you like to be making more and working less? If you're like most people you'd settle for just ONE of those. It boils down to focus, time management, productivity - and not just working hard, but working smart. Those things all sound easy in concept, but they're a bit more difficult in actual practice, as you've probably already discovered by now...
"Most online business owners spend 80% of their time doing work that never contributes to the bottom line." -source
I like to study how "the successful" are doing it. How they manage their time, what they outsource, what tools and systems they have in place, etc. I am constantly watching how others are managing their online business, and use those "swipe files" to improve my own. It's how I've gotten as far as I have over the years!
On Friday September 14th, Paul Evans & Carrie Wilkerson are going to share all in their DIY E.S.C.A.P.E. Event. I've read through that page several times now and it doesn't say, so I'm anxious to find out what "ESCAPE" stands for exactly.
If you know either one of them, they *seem* like they're working around the clock between their families and traveling and constant product releases… but they aren't. They obviously have something figured out, and I'm tuning in to see what it is!
"Successful online business owners spend 90% of their time on the essentials." -source
** Don't worry if you can't tune in live on Friday. When you sign up you'll get lifetime access to the replay and ALL of the bonuses.
Speaking of bonuses, you'll get business planning templates, a goal setter & tracker, their Time Machine software, the Clarity Map, a Follow-up Q&A Call, and much more when you register for the live training event.
The live event is on Friday, September 14th from 9am to Noon Central Time. Of course, the replay & bonuses will be available to you indefinitely to use & review at your leisure. I'm tuning in myself, and recommend you at least check it out and see if this is something that will be instrumental in reaching YOUR online business goals.
Streamlining is absolutely critical if you want to take your business to the next level, or even if you just want to improve your quality of life. I've making great strides in that area myself over the last few months. It doesn't matter if you've been in business 15 days, or 15+ years like me, productivity and better time management / workflow is something you can always improve!
And if there's one thing I've learned over the years, all it takes is one small change or one new idea to ultimately make a HUGE difference in your business. That's why I continue to study various models and productivity tips from other successful people.
p.s. Sure, it will take time to listen in. (I'll be multi-tasking and getting a workout on my Gazelle while listening -lol). But what would it be worth to you to finally get things moving in the right direction, and take your business to the next level?