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  1. Elite Member Needs 50 Life Insurance Brokers To Launch:

    Hi, This is George Lewis

    I was only going to post this to elite members, but I thought everyone should benefit from this offer...

    In our brainstorming forum I asked for some help in getting a...
  2. Looking For Eco-Friendly People To Help Launch And Make Money

    Hi, George Here...

    I'm in pre-launch of a new type of site that helps unite everyone Going Green - so we can all do more than write about the environment... So we can all earn enough money to help...
  3. Anyone Have A GREEN blog, site, forum etc? Free Invite To

    Hi, I'm in pre-launch of a new Green site that helps everyone who has a Green related blog, site, forum - even a facebook, twitter site, etc...

    I'd appreciate your feedback and opinions - I'm...
  4. Replies


    Hello everyone,

    Today in the private brainstorming hour we agreed that we should start a discussion about the growing mobile market and how we could use it to our advantage in our business.

  5. Need Help Launching Wellness Site - Want to JV and Earn 50% Residual?

    Hello everyone, I'm about to launch and would like to invite everyone to start their own local online chapter free...

    Wellness is a very profitable niche, and...
  6. You can download the plan by going to:...

    You can download the plan by going to:
  7. Thanks Angie, I wasn't sure what section to...

    Thanks Angie,

    I wasn't sure what section to put it in... THANKS!

    I hope you'll take a moment and read the unique marketing plan and can recommend it to some people who would like to have a...
  8. New Project: www.HealthAndBeautyCommunity For Review

    I'm starting a Face Book type site in the Health and Beauty niche. If you'd like to be part of it 100% FREE - and earn 50% from every local Health and Beauty related business in your area (WITHOUT...
  9. Opportunity To Own Your Own Site For Free!

    I'm starting a Face Book type site in the Health and Beauty niche. If you'd like to be part of it 100% FREE - and earn 50% from every local Health and Beauty related business in your area (WITHOUT...
  10. Let's Work Together And Create The Facebook of Beauty!

    Project Concept

    Use crowdsourcing to create the best beauty secrets ebook: will be used for this. Article contributors will get a free copy of the book to review & be a...
  11. Update on the launch of

    It's been about a week from when I launched - a new Twitter blog where people get to share their tips/solutions, and even full articles with all my Twitter followers free.
  12. Thanks for the encouragement. As you can all tell...

    Thanks for the encouragement. As you can all tell I'm really new to Twitter and don't even know all the services available (I just took a look at Twubs and will try to figure it out).

    I made some...
  13. Thanks for the feedback. I'm new to Twitter and...

    Thanks for the feedback. I'm new to Twitter and what I've done is searched for twitter people in the Green niche and started to follow them... some of them 69 so far have decided to follow me, and I...
  14. I set it up so that you have to register for the...

    I set it up so that you have to register for the auto-post form to be visible (on the right side), So, I'll get to approve people who register first...

    The main goal is to get people to start...
  15. Thought I'd Get Your Opinions On A New Way To Use Twitter...

    Hi everyone, I'm trying an Idea on using Twitter in an unusual way: I'm letting people post green tips instantly at: and have those post sent to
  16. Thanks for the feedback lynn... I'll look into...

    Thanks for the feedback lynn... I'll look into those... I wanted to look into a possible wp solution as well... since I never ran any kind of membership type site.
  17. Thanks Georgann for the thoughtful post. I thank...

    Thanks Georgann for the thoughtful post. I thank god that we finally got hearing aids (she was suffering a LOT until then)... Now with the hearing aids it's much more tollerable... Plus, we found a...
  18. New Idea I Need Help With:

    I've been taking care of my elderly mom (84) for about 4 years now. She got a really bad ear infection that went into her brain (a bit) and now has some balance issues that come and go... and severe...
  19. Thanks for all the replies... I got a lot of good...

    Thanks for all the replies... I got a lot of good feedback - and appreciate it. It's sometimes overwhelming to know what you SHOULD be writing about so you won't miss a flood of natural search engine...
  20. I agree with you about writing content that helps...

    I agree with you about writing content that helps people. My question is to those that are starting a business with the intent of making money. There are millions of topics to write about... My...
  21. How Do You Know WHAT Content To Write About - If Your Goal Is To Make Money!

    I really appreciated todays topic on writing copy... but I wish we would have started on how to discover WHAT is worthwhile writing about - with a profitable business being the goal.

    I know there...
Results 1 to 21 of 71
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