
Type: Posts; User: TheWealthSquad; Keyword(s):

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  1. The easiest thing to do is to check the site out....

    The easiest thing to do is to check the site out.

    How have other people commented? Do they use keywords as their name? Some sites specifically state they do not allow keyword signatures and...
  2. Two very important comments were just made. ...

    Two very important comments were just made.

    Lynn said she starts with LOW VOLUME search keywords with targeted content and lets it grow from there. Why? Because she can get to the front of...
  3. Dr Mani I am glad I could provide two reasons...

    Dr Mani

    I am glad I could provide two reasons you hadn't thought of :) The first one I read about (don't remember where). An author was doing a seminar about the Lord of the Rings movies. He...
  4. Replies

    Google recognizes reciprocal links for what they...

    Google recognizes reciprocal links for what they are. I doubt you get penalized for them but they don't bring as much value as they used too.
  5. You left out a very important step. Keyword...

    You left out a very important step. Keyword research. The key is finding long tail keywords that have a decent amount of traffic and relatively weak competition.

    Traffic is step one. Finding a...
  6. Lady T Create a new user in the wordpress...

    Lady T

    Create a new user in the wordpress admin part of your blog. Make it an admin level. Once you have proven it works, go in and delete the admin account. You now log into your blog using...
  7. Replies

    I believe it was originally created to combat...

    I believe it was originally created to combat spam comments on blogs. It gave the webmasters the ability to show that comments were not authorized by the owner of the site.

    As with everything, it...
  8. Replies

    DoFollow NoFollow Explanation

    I will take a shot at it.

    To understand Follow/NoFollow you need to understand Pagerank (PR). Page rank was a device that Google created to allow them to measure a sites authority on the...
  9. Some blogs allow using keywords in the blog...

    Some blogs allow using keywords in the blog posts. Some will ban you for doing it. Take a few minutes and read their rules. See what other people are doing. If it is a blog you are going to on a...
  10. Replies

    MaxBlogPress was the one I was thinking of. I...

    MaxBlogPress was the one I was thinking of. I use it on mine but was heading out the door so didn't have a chance to look it up.

    Any of them that controls when your blog pings would work fine.
  11. But if they found your site on Google's first...

    But if they found your site on Google's first page using the keyword they want to test, then it is optimized :) At least for the moment. If it is a new blog post the freshness of it could help it...
  12. Replies

    Leave comments at both nofollow and follow sites....

    Leave comments at both nofollow and follow sites. Google is the only search engine that uses the nofollow tag. They still follow the link but don't use it for PR calculations. Having only Follow...
  13. Replies

    You want to make sure you have something like...

    You want to make sure you have something like PingMaximizer installed as a plug in. (not sure if that's the official name for it). It controls your blog from pinging everytime you update a post. ...
  14. Testing adwords

    They can also be testing an adwords campaign. To get an initial high quality score you select a site that is already optimzied toward the keywords you are setting up a campaign for.

    You get a high...
  15. There is a reason you want to do this too. ...

    There is a reason you want to do this too.

    Domain at one company, hosting at another.

    If you ever get your hosting shut down for any reason, you can be back up and running quickly by simply...
  16. Replies

    You have to realize all the analytics packages...

    You have to realize all the analytics packages have their limitations. They operate differently and thus you get different numbers. I use statcounter (free version), Google analytics (free) and...
  17. Replies

    Ahh outbound links are different since you don't...

    Ahh outbound links are different since you don't have access to put the analytics code on the page they will land on. Google gives directions on how to do it here
  18. Replies

    The goals function in Analytics lets you specify...

    The goals function in Analytics lets you specify an URL that you want people to go to. The goal is the page you want them to land on. It won't actually record the buy button being clicked but...
Results 1 to 18 of 18