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Thread: Would you be interested??

  1. #1

    Cool Would you be interested??

    Hello All,

    After much research in learning and planning on creating a blog... I am ready and excited to start my new journey on creating my own website\blog. First off I would like to thank Lynn's website and anyone that has responded to my questions. They have help me a lot. I am very happy to have found this site and look forward to furthering my knowledge in this area.

    The reason why I am writing this is I want to see and hear some of your opinions on my idea\niche. I am planning to create a website\blog that helps people with Technology better. People should not be afraid with this just for the fact we all know technology is in our lives everyday. This can entail anywhere from simple technology help to extensive. Some examples maybe helping people with troubleshooting with their computers\devices, teaching people how to use a certain software\device, computer basics , blogging about topics that are dealing with new technologies or reviewing products, eventually having videos on my page or start a YouTube channel that gives you step by step directions how to use a product. There also will be a forum created on there for everyone to communicate and help each other. Another interesting idea I have thought is to eventually start Skype meetings to help people navigate on their computers easier and teach whatever I can help them with. Well I can keep brainstorming here, but there's just a few ideas and I'm sure once I get this started there will be more exciting subjects I can talk about.

    I feel this can be a great idea not only since I enjoy this area but I love helping people out. The audience could be a variety too. But mainly I'd like to reach out to a audience that is not really familiar in the area and help them feel comfortable.

    Well that's all for now. I appreciate any comments\advice\and suggestions.

    Thank you!!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Devon, UK


    This can entail anywhere from simple technology help to extensive. Some examples maybe helping people with troubleshooting with their computers\devices, teaching people how to use a certain software\device, computer basics , blogging about topics that are dealing with new technologies or reviewing products, eventually having videos on my page or start a YouTube channel that gives you step by step directions how to use a product.
    That is a large amount of ground to cover. Maybe you could niche it just a little and say concentrate on PCs or MACs, or iPhones, or tablets. Or graphics software or membership site software or ....

    When you start a new site that is so broad it will be difficult to give it a theme as inevitably you'll be jumping around from one sub-topic on technology to another. Very tough to do I would think, convincingly unless you have a large team of knowledgeable people working for you.

  3. #3


    I agree with Liz but you are doing great brainstorming ideas.

    A website/blog is great to start and once you grow that a membership of some sort might be a good idea to look into but I will tell you a forum is a lot of hard work. I wouldn't even think about a forum until you have enough time and money to put into it (you have to look at things such as security, payment processors, etc.).

    If you could teach people all day, every day on one topic/niche what would it be?

  4. #4


    Thanks for the input guys!!! I really appreciate it.. I think it is a good idea to narrow it down to one topic considering I am a newbie. I'm going towards the topic of PC's. That could entail anything such as operating systems, the basics, troubleshooting,software, devices such as webcam's, printers, wireless routers etc. I believe that will be a good start.

    Angie, it probably would be dealing with PC's. Teaching people how to use them better and answering their questions to further their knowledge in the area.


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