Yup. It seems that a full onset of videoisitus is going around in internet marketing circles.

Internet marketers of all stripes have seemingly ceased to be able to write and instead can only talk through videos now LOL.

Thing is I don't have time to sit and listen to the talk through a video. I usually listen to the first 10 seconds, look around for a text version that I can scan through (to see if I might be interested in what the internet marketer has to say) and then, if there isn't a text version...well...I just move along to the next web site.

It boggles my mind how internet marketers seem to have gotten into the habit of thinking that everyone drops whatever they are doing to listen to their slow video talking.

If I don't read more than a sentence from emails before deciding whether they are worth reading at all why in the world would I sit here and listen to a whole video when I could read 40 emails in the time it takes to watch the one video?

Makes no sense to me.

Oh...I know that videos supposedly appeal more than text. At least in theory.

But I don't get it. Have we all gotten so dumbed down that we can't read anymore?

Are internet marketers trying to reach out to the least able to digest what they have to say market now? Such that the audience needs a video to get the point?

Anybody else fed up with all the videoilising going around? Just curious.

I watch videos to be entertained. Not to get information that I can read in 1/10th the time. Maybe that's just the way I am but I am curious to see if anyone else thinks that way.
