Celebrating My Birthday :-)

Today I'm celebrating my 38th birthday, and I'm spending my day doing what I love best: traveling! I'm heading home from a fun week in Vancouver and Victoria, where I attended the Social Media Camp event - and also just had good times with good friends.

It's been a *great* trip, including a fun day at White Rock beach (left), but now I'm anxious to get home & see the people I love. 😉

I have received some thoughtful gifts and many really nice notes - thank you for those!! - but there is one thing I want more than anything else this year...

Can You Help Me Make It An Awesome Year??

I'm not going to ask for much, I promise.

It's probably things you would already do anyway. But I could really use your help. It will take zero money and less than a minute of your time, but make a huge difference (collectively)... and mean the world to me. 😀

Living The Dream

I often joke that while the gurus are out there poring over and split testing their big red headlines, I am out there making them true.

I make money in my sleep, literally. I travel, A LOT, and yes I make money while sipping margaritas on the beach! 😛 I have a flexible schedule, get to do what I want when I want, and have had the opportunity to raise my children (as a single parent) while still pursuing a rewarding and successful career.

I can't even begin to express the gratitude I feel for living in a time where the opportunity is so available. Not just for the lucky or the rich, but for everyone.

Even a single mother who never finished high school, didn't go to college, and didn't have a lick of credit or savings. (That was me.)

What I really want more than anything is to help more people achieve the same lifestyle I have for myself...

An opportunity to define happiness on your own terms. To live out your biggest dreams. To create the life you really want, and walk away from the one you feel stuck in - the one that holds you back.

Life is GOOD. I remember a time when it wasn't though. And I remember too, how hard I worked to change that. With no "inner circle", no mentors, no money to make things easier, and often working 14-18 hours/day.

Whatever it took to get to a better place in my life.

I want to make that transition easier for others. Not everyone, because working online or working from home isn't for everyone. But for those that desperately need or want to start a successful business or career online... I can help.

Whether you want an online business, a virtual job, or just a fun blog that earns you $2000/month in extra spending money... I can help.

Unfortunately there are tons of scams and crap out there - and that's what most people find first when they're ready to make a real change. Unfortunate indeed. 🙁

I can't tell you the number of people over the years who've said, "I wish I had found you before I ___" or "I wish I had known about your free blog & forum when I was struggling to get started."

I hear it everywhere I go, along with terrible stories of scams and frustration. It's really disheartening. We all know it's just a matter of being in the right place at the right time, knowing the right people - those that can point you in the right direction, and getting lucky enough to find the real information in a sea of junk.

So today, on my birthday, if I could make a tiny request, I would love to let you help me spread the word just a little bit farther. Collectively we can make a big difference for someone. For many someones, even.

I'm working very hard to make sure my free tutorials and getting started guides are in the right place for the right people, but I can only do so much on my own.

To make it easy, I'll give you a few options to choose from. Even if you just make one quick click, it will be noticed and greatly appreciated! 😉

  • LIKE my Facebook Page
  • Tweet your favorite ClickNewz blog post
  • Ask me a business/marketing question on Twitter @LynnTerry
  • LIKE your favorite ClickNewz blog post
  • Stumble your favorite ClickNewz posts
  • Recommend ClickNewz to someone
  • Recommend my upcoming Affiliate Starter Guide
    (a real book, due out August 2011, w/immediate bonus free download)
  • Blog about ClickNewz, or a specific post, and link to the source
  • Invite people to the ClickNewz Forum

You'll find a LIKE button at the top left of every post, and a Tweet & Stumble button at the end of each post, to make it easier to choose your click.

There are also some great posts under Hot Topics in the right sidebar (up a bit on the right) if you're looking for something valuable to share.

You might be able to think of something else, which is great too. I appreciate any gift of your time you choose - very much. Thank you!!

Raise your glass, bake a cake, have a slice of pie - or however you like to celebrate most - and join me in a collaborative effort to help more people learn
"the real way to make money online" 😀

Leave a comment below and let us know what you shared where, if you like. And be sure to link to your website and Twitter account in the appropriate fields. I love following the people that comment here frequently & checking out your sites!


About Lynn Terry

Lynn Terry is a full-time Internet Marketer with over 17 years experience in online business. Subscribe to ClickNewz for the latest Internet Marketing trends & strategies, Lynn's unique case studies, creative marketing ideas, and candid reviews...more»


  1. DeAnna Troupe says

    Happy Birthday Twin! I already have liked your Facebook page, but I'll give one of your posts an extra tweet. You rock! I wanna be like you when I grow up! LOl

  2. Happy Birthday Lynn!

    Just wanted to get that in before I head off o spread the word, will let you know the details soon 🙂

    Have a great day...

    ps. You are still a baby - wish I was that young!

  3. Beautiful! Enjoy yourself today and party like it's your b-day. Cause it is. lol.

    Thanks for all your help and the forum, I always look forward to our brainstorming hours every week. They've helped me in MANY ways.


    p.s. I've tweeted and am already a fan on Facebook. I need to get net on my phone. lol. Soon, very soon!

  4. Randy Cantrell says

    Happy birthday, Ms. Terry. It's been fun lurking and watching your progress through the years. All the best!

  5. Happy Birthday Lynn! Thanks so much for all you do and showing us affiliate marketing is a great way to make honest $:)

    • Thank you Tiffany! I do love Affiliate Marketing. 😀 Of *all* the online business models I've tried in my 14+ years... it remains my #1 favorite!

  6. Happy Birthday, Lynn. You are so young!
    June 7 is a good day. I'm celebrating my 31st wedding anniversary today.


  7. Lynn, great post, and I share your interest in spreading the good word of "possibility"! Perhaps my mode of recommending ClickNewz will change in the future (meaning, I am not an affiliate for a very specific reason), but for now, I recommend your site wholeheartedly to almost every new person I meet who has an interest in creating a different work life and lifestyle for themselves ~ I do this with no strings attached whatsoever. I consider myself lucky that I stumbled across your info (yes, after discovering others) and raise a glass to you today - have a Happy! : )

    • Thank you Amy! 😀

      I don't actually have an affiliate program, but I wasn't sure if perhaps you meant you're not doing affiliate marketing period? I would love to hear more on that...

      • Hi, Lynn! : ) Please accept my apologies; I thought for some reason that you have an affiliate program...my error may be due to the fact that I have been short on time to completely review every aspect of your site, but have reaped a 'lot' of benefit from what I 'have' reviewed. As such, I've wholeheartedly directed many people to your site to 'also' begin to learn from scratch what Affiliate Marketing is about, and to entertain whether it's something for them (in addition to being able to learn so much from someone who is making it happen!) Thanks to you, I am completing my study of Rosalind Gardner's Super Affiliate Handbook, and am excited to apply learnings from both you/Clicknewz/the Clicknewz 'network' through the forums -- 'and' Rosalind Gardner. Thanks so much for what you do!

  8. Graham Lutz says

    They always say you have to ask for what you want. I'll tell you what, this is the first time I have ever had someone ASK me to like their facebook page!

    Even though I already like your page, I "liked" your page officially today!

    Happy birthday! Glad to hear you're loving life!

  9. Happy birthday young lady! I turn 39 next month. Off to pick a page to stumble.

    • Thank you Stephanie! And an early Happy Birthday 😉 I don't know about you, but I've been looking forward to my 40's for years now. Every year closer just gets more exciting!

  10. This being your Birthday - I now have the perfect excuse to share this video. I hope you will forgive it's inclusion - but I consider Nick Drake to be one of the best English singer/songwriters of all time.

    Consider it a Birthday gift to you and your readership!


  11. Happy Birthday Lynn...it's good you're doing what you love on this special day.

    I can see your new book becoming a huge success.

    • I hope so, Joseph - I am really pumped about publishing this year. I actually have several books in the works, but my main focus is on putting out the niche affiliate marketing guide on Amazon & Kindle. Very exciting!

  12. injoyingjapan says

    Happy birthday, Lynn
    Our Japanese design/social marketing is following you on twitter and facebook and we´re now on our 1st aniversary too so we need enthusiastic people like you to learn from

  13. I liked this post and I tweeted about you too. Was just saying that I got a NICE unexpected commission today and thanked you for teaching me a thing or two about affiliate marketing *wink*

    Hope your birthday is as special as you are my friend. Wish Kev and I could be there to help you celebrate. Be on the lookout for a few packages/delivery (one tomorrow and one over the weekend). I know you'll be traveling but you don't need to be home for that one.

  14. David Frey says

    Just liked it...and shoulda done that a LONG time ago!

    Safe journeys and happy birthday Lynn!

  15. Joel Williams says

    Happy birthday!

    Glad to see you're living the lifestyle you want and are helping others succeed. I'm hoping to find similar success and give back to those who helped me along the way.

    May you find lots of success in the coming year so your 39th is even happier than your 38th!

  16. Hope you've had a very happy birthday, Lynn! I've been a fan of yours for years and I just tweeted your post and liked your page. I'll be looking forward to reading (and sharing) many more posts from you.

  17. Hello Lynn!

    May I join in and wish you a very happy birthday as well.

    Thank you once more for this wonderful set of resources you have made available.

    Have fun !

  18. james samy says

    Happy Birthday to you Lynn from Singapore. You have shared so many from your life experience... thank you. Have a great and enjoyable day

  19. Lynn, I already share many of your posts on my FB page (WordPL) and have Liked your page, etc. I will tweet/share some more positivity/advice from you now with the ulterior motive of uplifting my own so-far horrible week. Happy birthday and thank you 🙂

  20. Rebecca Olkowski says

    Hi Lynn and Happy Birthday. I really enjoy your blog posts and have learned a ton. I appreciate your authenticity and honesty. I love the fact that you have created a Lifestyle that allows you to travel. That is my goal too. You rock!

    • Thank you Rebecca. 😀 I do love to travel, and that is one of the greatest perks to investing in my business and future the way I did all those years... I also love seeing my children travel, and knowing I've opened up that world to them. This last decade has been an amazing journey - from broke and struggling, to happy and out seeing the world!

      Wishing you all the best with your goals! 😉

  21. Happy Birthday,

    I have a birthday this month also on the 12th. Making my annual trip to Sacramento to spend a week with my daughters and 2 granddaughters. I love the way you write,very conversational.

    I know your book will be a huge success. Can't wait to get a copy.

    • Thank you Mike! An early Happy Birthday to you as well! 😀 The book should be available on Amazon by August 2011. I'm very excited about publishing this year.

  22. Happy Birthday Lynn!

    I've been following your blog for quite sometime. The information you provide on this blog is just invaluable for someone who wants to start something online. I "LIKED" your facebook page and wish you continue success.

  23. Happy Birthday, Lynn!

    I "liked" you some time ago, and I just now passed your birthday wish on to my FB people. I'll also be helping to pass the word with a blog post about ClickNewz. And that new Affiliate Starter Guide will be really fun to get the word out about.

  24. Happy BD Lynn, Thank you for your help to get me started in my Blog and affiliate marketing. I am at baby steps, but used your link to Hostgator and got 25% off! Thank you!!

    • Good to hear, and thank you!!

      Let me know if you ever have any questions about blogging or affiliate marketing. You can post questions on Facebook, Twitter or the Forum. 🙂

  25. John Ziemba says

    Happy Birthday! You deserve the success you have achieved by helping others to achieve the same.

  26. Happy belated birthday, Lynn! I like your new Twitter profile image.

    I'm also celebrating the 1-year blogaversary for BC! 🙂

    • Congratulations, Satu! That's awesome!

      And thank you - the new picture was taken on my trip to Vancouver, while hanging out with good friends there. What a fun time!!

  27. Hope you had a happy birthday!

    I just liked your Facebook page (can't believe I hadn't done that previously). Can't wait to read your new book when it comes out.

  28. Eric SEO Montreal says

    Happy Birthday Lynn!

    I have been a long time lurker and I decided that I should finally "like" some of your pages (random birthday gift, I know!)

    All the best,

  29. essay writers says

    Happy Birthday Twin! I already have liked your Facebook page, but I’ll give one of your posts an extra tweet. You rock...

  30. Happy Belated Birthday.

    We were born on the same day 38 years ago! Only 2 more till 40! 🙂 I am having a hard time believing it has be 20 years out of High school.
    Time Flies.

    God Bless you and your children!

    • Wow, cool! A happy birthday to you too, then 😀

      Time *does* fly. I'm attending my 20 year high school reunion next month. Crazy! Bless you as well, and thank you 😉

  31. Happy Birthday. You are self made personality.I will sure forward as you mentioned in the post.

  32. Happy Birthday ! Thank you for some great Tips !

  33. Scott Sheldon says

    Hope your birthday went well. Sat beside you on the plain from Vegas to Bellingham. Good luck with everything, you are a truly unique person.

  34. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday, Lynn! Hope you enjoy your day.

  35. Pat Peterson says

    Happy Birthday, Lynn! My first trip to the ocean--ever--was a visit to White Rock beach; it is a very nice place (with a great used bookstore only a few blocks away. . . ). And thank you for the incredibly positive input about online business and affiliate marketing over the years. I will definitely "friend" your Facebook page!

  36. I think I'm a little late in wishing you a Happy Birthday but I hope it was a good one and it sure sounds like you had a great time.

    I am happy to help you out. I've followed along with you for quite a while now. I'm still not where I want to be because of life circumstances and my own fault but that is changing and I believe it's always from your encouragement and help from the beginning.

    Wishing you more success and looking forward to your book coming out.


  37. Lynn,
    Just read your post today, Happy late birthday, I just made a quick post and link back to you form my blog - I wish you all the best you deserve it...ml

  38. Happy Birthday Lynn!
    Wishing you the best of the Best; of the BEst of the BESt of the BEST!

    See you soon!


  39. Lynn honey - when your ready to get married again, will you marry me Pleaseee, lol... OK, OK enough of the stroking, lol.. However, in truth You do seem to have a way of reaching in and touching my heart! OK, OK, I'll stop already but maybe you could take me on the next road trip you go on, lol... All seriousness - Your a beautiful woman with a wholesome heart whom is genuine, generous and true - exactly the qualities any man would hope to find in a woman, a-n-d you have money! Hope you don't mind my attempt at humor, I send a quick "LIKE" now - to your success! Which you share with us all!!!

    Happy Birthday - enjoy the rest of your day!


  40. Ron Brantley says

    Hey Lynn,

    Happy Birthday!!! and thanks for all the value you share. You're one of the few honest and ethical marketers that I allow in my inbox.

    Hope and Pray you have many, many more Birthdays.

    Staying Real,


  41. Kaye Swain says

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! 🙂 And thank YOU for all the great info you share. You've been a big blessing to me and I greatly appreciate you and brag about you to many! Thank you - and again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

  42. Hi Lynn,

    Happy Birthday!!! I really wish you the very best in life.

    I learned so much from you...you became indeed, since the last few years, one of my dearest IM mentor! I never stop coming back to learn more from your blog, emails, conference calls etc.

    You are more then a mentor...I think of you more as a friend and I wish someday we will meet in person.

    I wish you a wonderful year,
    @amelm on Twitter

  43. Hau'oli La Hanau!! (Happy Birthday!)from one Gemini to another. Mine was the 9th. I wish you the very best from one that does admire everything you do, and though we have never met in the physical I do feel as though I know you as a friend!

    I hate Facebook and unsubscribed 2 years ago. Instead, I stumbled you and added your link to my blog under the 1st spot of "What I am Reading". I will Twitter too.

    BTW - on another subject, it will be a year in August that I am smoke free. I can not believe that I actually quit. I send an email and let you know how I did it. I know I sent one when we were both attacking it, but I'll update you.

    Party hardy my friend and have the best B-day ever!

  44. Selamat Hari Jadi Lynn dari Malaysia.

    Yes that's a birthday wish in Malay.

    Many happy returns and loads of blushes! 🙂

  45. Wim Heylen says

    A bit to late.... Happy b-day Lynn. From a fan from Belgium.

  46. Tweeted liked and stumbled the keyword strategy post... Happy Birthday once again Lynn 🙂

  47. Oludele Adegboyega says

    Can you mentor and teach me info marketing

  48. Strange to see a woman admitting to her real age 🙂
    Now that i'm here i'll try to grant your wish and support you so that you may have an awesome year.

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