This will be a mutual venture, where I'll work with you personally to get maximum exposure for your website and/or product...
Need Traffic? Year-End Advertising Special
ClickNewz is currently seeing an average of over 16,000 page views per day. With the year coming to an end I wanted to share the annual blog stats with you, and a last-chance opportunity to take advantage of 2012 advertising rates before the New Year rate increase...
2012 Advertising Rates & Options
ClickNewz total site traffic more than doubled in 2011, compared to 2010. Last year the site saw well over half a million unique visitors. The total number of visits in December 2011 was nearly triple the number of December 2010, with more visitors viewing a higher number of pages per visit. Engagement is up! And 2012 looks to be even more promising in terms of growth...
Year-End Stats & 2011 Advertising Options
In December 2009, ClickNewz saw just over 52,000 visits. This December (2010), the number of visits almost doubled. 102,604 visits to be exact. During the year of 2009, ClickNewz saw just over a quarter of a million unique visitors. 2010 brought a 53% increase in unique visitors, and an 82.5% increase in overall traffic. You […]
Need A Blog Boost for 2010? Join Me!
2010 Blog Boost! As we close out 2009 and look ahead at the New Year, now is a good time to set 2010 blogging goals and do any necessary blog updates...
A little dose of inspiration for you…
Blogs are powerful. I hope this inspires you to start blogging, keep blogging, or get more serious about blogging. It didnt take much for me to achieve these results - and you can easily do the same!
June 2008 ClickNewz Blog Stats
Interesting to note this month is that Twitter has become one of the top referrers for traffic to my blog. Pulling a very close second to my own high-traffic website and discussion forum...
Celebrating 2 Years Of ClickNewz
I actually started my first blog almost 4 years ago on, but made the switch to WordPress in March of 2006. That was a major turning point, and one of the best blogging decisions I’ve made…
December 2007 ClickNewz Blog Stats
We’re almost 3 weeks into the New Year and what with year-end paperwork and new year goals, I almost forgot to report in with the final stats for 2007! The year ended with the best month to date, totalling more than 14,000 unique visitors...