Podcasting in 2015 and Beyond…

You really can't go wrong with two current strategy guides on Podcasting & YouTube marketing for only $12.98 total. YouTube and iTunes are both GREAT ways to increase your reach, and expand yourself to get in front of even more people in your market...

Need To Buy A Web Cam & Video Lighting?

If you're looking to buy a web cam, or need good video lighting for your home office, see what I chose. I did a lot of asking around, researching, and reading reviews - and am really happy with the choices I made...

Free Download: Ultimate Guide to Podcasting!

I am finally about to get my podcast off the ground (I know, finally right! lol) so I've been studying the new free guide BlogWorld just put out recently: Click Here to Get Your Free Copy of The Ultimate Guide to Podcasting! Speaking of BlogWorld, I'll be attending the event in January. It's now called […]

Best Video Editing Software: Reviews

Creating videos on you computer seems to be a challenge for a lot of folks. And video editing software programs abound! Oh sure, anyone can upload unedited video that they shot from their phones or camcorder to YouTube directly these days. But that isn’t what I’m talking about…

My Video Editing Software & Hardware

Since I started my Personal Video Blog back in November, I’ve had tons of questions about my video editing hardware and video editing software – and about video editing in general. I am no Pro, and had very little experience when I started, but I do get a lot of compliments on my editing…

3 Simple Tips For Creating Professional Audio

The problem isn’t the lack of expensive or high-end recording gear. It truly boils down to good old fashioned know-how. So let me ask you a question. Would you rather...

How To Create A Video Podcast

If you’re creating a video podcast, the process is pretty much the same as an audio podcast. The main difference is that you’ll need a video camera & video editing software. There are a variety of ways to create a video podcast. You have your traditional...

How To Create A Podcast – Simple Checklist

Continuing with the series on how to create a podcast, we’ll look at the hardware and software you need to create and share your podcast. Or- the technical side of podcasting...

How To Make Money Doing A Podcast

A look at the business side of podcasting, and specifically: how to make money doing a podcast...

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