Easy Donation or Tip Jar Plugin for WordPress

You may have seen the "Buy Me A Beer" icons or something similar on other blogs, allowing you to 'leave a tip' or make a donation to the publisher.

It was suggested that I should have a Tip Jar here on ClickNewz, so I set out to test the various scripts and plugins to add this feature to my blog. Ironically, BlogClout.com linked to one of my entries this morning, and following that link lead me to their free wordpress plugin.

Fortunately they had an option to let you 'buy me a coffee' instead of a beer. I'm not much of a drinker, and the only way I'd let you buy me a beer is in person - and if you're driving. Even then I wouldnt recommend it. Besides, I dont drink and blog πŸ˜‰

The plugin was incredibly easy to install and customize. You can see it in action in two different places: in the sidebar on the right side of the page (labeled Tip Jar), and at the end of each blog post. Both have a coffee cup icon instead of a beer mug, which was included with the plugin script.

The plugin integrates the donation option automatically into your blog using widgets. You can also insert the code manually if you prefer. Once you activate the plugin you will have a customization screen under Options in your dashboard where you can edit your preferences.

You can choose whether to leave the amount blank or set a specific dollar amount. I chose to set the amount to $2.00 initially, which is a nice contribution for useful information in my opinion. It would be worth it to test the responses on various amounts versus leaving the amount open for the reader to fill in themselves.

At the very least, you'll want to make a suggestion on appropriate amounts so as not to leave your visitors unsure to the point of ditching the option.

You can also choose a custom thank you or confirmation page. This is a nice personal touch in my opinion, and I would recommend you create one yourself if you are using this plugin or one like it.


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About Lynn Terry

Lynn Terry is a full-time Internet Marketer with over 17 years experience in online business. Subscribe to ClickNewz for the latest Internet Marketing trends & strategies, Lynn's unique case studies, creative marketing ideas, and candid reviews...moreΒ»


  1. Vera Raposo says

    Hey Lynn, I LOVE your coffee cup, very neat. I never really liked the whole "buy me a beer" thing either, for me it would be "buy me a sticker" since I love scrapbooking. πŸ™‚

  2. That would actually be very easy to set up using this script. All you would have to do is create your own image (and a smaller version for the icon) and then make a few small edits.

  3. Hi Lynn, you beat him to it, but have you seen Problogger's post on this topic?

    Lots of interesting points of view about requesting donations. I'd love to hear about your results after you've had it running long enough to evaluate.

    Thanks! πŸ™‚


  4. Thanks for the link - great article and good points. I'll keep you posted - I plan to test various uses of the script so I'll post more on that after some time has passed.

  5. Carrie Wigal says

    Hey Lynn,
    Sorry so long to comment on this..thanks for the link πŸ˜‰ How's the script working for you? Personally I'm not a beer drinker OR a coffee drinker. However I love a great slice of cheesecake from one of those Greek diners up in New Jersey. LOL

  6. Mmm cheesecake πŸ˜€

    The script is super simple to install and customize - I would highly recommend it to anyone that is considering adding a donation/tip option to their WordPress blog.

  7. Bean Fairbanks says

    I was wondering how this was working for you? I am interested in modifying it to elicit donations for professional trainer consultation. My blog is on how I am training my own service dog.

  8. The best way to know is to test it. Its easy to set up, and easy to remove, so give it a whirl and see how it works out with your readers.

  9. I have been looking for this! You are awesome! I do have a question though, is there one for Blogger? This one just works in WordPress right? Should have listened to one of your earlier posts. I am too into blogger now. But again, if there is one for blogger blogs that you know of, or anyone reading this, do let me know please! Thanks a bunch! Lynn, I am using Chipin.com currently (just put it on yesterday) since I can't figure this out, but would prefer the tip jar/cup or whatever the choices are! Thanks!

  10. The wrong website came up for my link...the other one is okay, but this one is the one I am working on and want a tip jar for! Sorry about that!

  11. I am honestly not sure, Melanie - you might try searching on google for "blogger tip jar" or blogger+"tip jar" or blogger+"buy me a beer script" and see if you can locate one.

  12. Thank you Lynn! I appreciate your advice and will do just that! Have a wonderful weekend!

  13. Hey Lynn,
    Tried the links to the tip widget and in both cases I was taken to a site that was labeled as malicious.

    Thought you would want to know.

  14. Joshua Chase says

    Bummer, looks like the links are broken. Is there another place where this plugin is?

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