Internet Marketing Explained

Download this Free Internet Marketing ReportArmand Morin has just released a free 50-page report titled An Obvious Truth. You can download it free at that link (^) - nothing to sign up for, no sales page to visit - you can just download it directly from that link.

You'll notice it's hosted here on That's because I downloaded it this morning (after signing up at the main site) and have already sat down to read it. It's quite interesting, and I'm sharing it with you for a number of reasons...

First and foremost, so that you get an idea what's going on in the world of Internet Marketing, and have the inside scoop on what's coming down the pike.

Second, because you can use all the Internet Marketing training you can get... and there is quite a bit of free training involved here. 😉

And third... because there's an opportunity to make money.

Armand Morin has a 'trailer' video that gives you a sneak peak into what's coming up:

I always enjoy watching these internet marketing campaigns unfold. You'll notice that Armand is using a combination of strategies: video, free viral report, blogging, pre-launch list-building, free content etc - all to build a buzz.

The blog can be found at, and currently contains 8 free training videos full of cool tips like:

  • 4 Processes of a Direct Response Model
  • Two Rentacoder Secrets
  • The Follow-up Process
  • Quick Ebook Creation
  • Using Opt-in Pages
  • 3 Membership Site Models
  • Product Development
  • Website Traffic Strategies

All of this is leading up to a new product that Armand is releasing on January 18th. It is a 54-hour in-depth course titled Internet Marketing Explained. The price point is $1997, and there is a 2-tier affiliate program for those interested in promoting it.

So there are 3 things to do: First read the free report. Then check out the free videos. And then sign up for the affiliate program.


P.S. There is much to learn about marketing online both by watching this campaign, and by studying the report and videos offered. Check it out today, so you can make your decision on the product and/or the affiliate program well before the launch date 😉

About Lynn Terry

Lynn Terry is a full-time Internet Marketer with over 17 years experience in online business. Subscribe to ClickNewz for the latest Internet Marketing trends & strategies, Lynn's unique case studies, creative marketing ideas, and candid reviews...more»


  1. $1997 is quite a steep price point, but I'll read the free report !

  2. Quite a lot of info to digest but it is good stuff.

  3. Seems like all the big wigs are charging $1997 (or a like number just under $2k) for their information. I see a trend here.

    I'm with you Lynn. I find it very interesting how a "buzz" is created when a new product is launched.

  4. Very good read Lynn! I am still reading it over but its packed full of information.

  5. Once again, Thanks Lynn!

    This was an excellent read. I couldnt get past how simple he broke thins down. I needed a dose of this especially when much of this IM stuff is overwhelming.

  6. I think it gets overwhelming when you try to get into all of it....last year I think it was, which was one of the pieces of advice he shared...I made money...

  7. I enjoyed the report, and I thought there was a lot of very simple truth in it. Easy to digest, not overly complicated, and much of it a blatant reminder of the bare facts.

    I am NOT a fan of high ticket items, as you've heard me say before. But I am watching with interest, and may decide to review Armands product.

    I have to admit, there is a very big need for a good solid Internet Marketing course...

  8. Sandy Naidu says

    I just finished reading the free report...Enjoyed it...It was easy to read and digest the information....Now for the paid product - $1997 is a HUGE price (for me atleast) - But the free report and the audio were good - very well presented.

  9. RavingRich says

    Armand Morin has come out with an wide array of topics useful for internet marketing and i am sure it would be pretty useful to all those who wish to make it big in this field of internet marketing.

  10. Wow, this is great info in the ebook. So simple. I haven't tried PLR yet but I should. Has anyone had good success with this form of IM?

  11. Yes, and you can use this search link to learn even more Lisa: 😉

  12. I like the way he nonsense kind of man.

    I struggle with whether to follow his advice, though. I've been a follower of the camp that says you need one niche, one target market, to stay FOCUSED on one market.

    The whole "make tons of sites and ebooks in different niches" is soooo far from what I've been doing, and the advice I've followed, that it's a bit hard for me to feel good about following it.

    What do you think about following his advice of having many ebooks? I know you're in different markets....any thoughts on this?

    (I subscribed to your comments, so I'll make sure to get your response.

  13. Alice Seba says

    Nell, those were my thoughts as well. From working so many online entrepreneurs over the years, I don't think the average person can do multiple niches successfully.

    In order to do it very well, I think you need two very important resources:
    -> Money
    -> Time (which can be created with money)

    A niche-based approach usually requires more advertising dollars because you have to put more effort into finding new customers as opposed to a one market-focused business where you can sell new products to the same people.

    It also takes more time because if you want to really dominate any one of those niches, you've got to put in that much more time to do it. And if you're not going to do all the work yourself, you have to invest the money to have others to do it.

    And all of it take a lot of management skills that I think the average Internet marketer possess.

    JMHO, of course!

  14. Alice Seba says 2nd to last sentence doesn't make sense.

    I meant to say:
    "And all of it takes management skills that I don't think the average Internet marketer possesses."

  15. George Kanellopoulos says

    Fantastic resource thanks Lynn.. I have recently been reviewing some of Armands material and the way it is delivered and am quite impressed, I'll definately be going through the report...I would be interested in your thoughts regarding spreading across market niches. I think its best if you have limited resoures to beging with its important to have a narrow focus to develop the skill set and discipline and finding out what works before branching out into other areas.

    What is your experience with this?



  16. I agree with Alice. Personally I prefer the "overachiever" method (vs the underachiever method, for those of you that remember it) - meaning, choose your business model and do it 110%.

    I do have several sites in other niches, so I have learned this firsthand along the way. You're either busy managing it all, or busy managing the outsourcing of it all.

    I'm not saying that you shouldnt diversify, but there is much you can do within one focused niche and you'll have a much stronger foundation going that route.

    The goal with "going wide" of course is to get one business model up and running smoothly and generating income passively (hands-off) before you start the next... and to continue with that process until you have multiple streams of passive income.

    So yes, start with a laser sharp focus and a definite plan - and work that to completion. THEN you can start new projects or add new products...

  17. Making you richer reviews compared with affiliate classroom review says

    Let me confess here. I'd been on a rather roller coaster seeing, watching, observing and of course, imitating some of these big internet boys doing their pre-launches.

    Lots of education for the discerning minds there. Now Armand’s is coming with his own huge product just before StomperNet and Rich Schfren and host of others are yet to die down.

    Thanks - I will take a look at the report and download it. Great that you share this, i may not have heard it. 🙂

  18. Why do I have the feeling is just another "let me show you how you can be rich" ebook?
    I will download it and hope for more than that

  19. It's a quick read - you wont be disappointed 😉

  20. Good advice, Lynn. I appreciate your feedback on my question and Alice's points.

  21. I will give it a try in my lunch break today..I hope is better than my sports newspaper 🙂

  22. First , thanks for the prior comments.

    Has anyone bought and successfully used this massive course? I know its new but I was just wondering how long it takes to become profitable.

    $1,997.00? Is this this for people who are already millionaries? Yeah its alot to lay out on faith, plus the actual website start up fees, business/banking fees, etc. I guess its cheaper than buying a McDonald's franchise but ...

    I was looking for some passive income but I dont have any experience in virtual business and so I cant just swallow all the hype on this product especially for that price.

    Also its seems like you would never been totally hands-off on these various multiple niches. It seems like you would be constantly tweeking, tuning, testing and updating content even on an established niche.

    Thanks for keeping us informed.

  23. says

    That guy must be dreaming if he thinks people will pay so much for his "let me show you how to get rich on the internet" like the other 29929897 guides out there for 15 bucks..
    I will never understand why people are selling their secrets of making money instead of doing again and again for themselves if they know how.
    And that so ridiculous

  24. What a huge waste of money. Armand Morin is a great marketer, and I'm sure he has already made a fortune with this product from his list, JV's, etc. but it's not a good purchase for someone that is attempting to learn internet marketing. I can't say that the product isn't good, because I haven't seen it, but there are many ways to find the same information for free on good forums, blogs, etc.

  25. The Internet Marketing Explained report was actually free. I assume you're talking about the big-ticket product that followed?

    There are two schools of thinking on that note. You can find much information for free yes, in trade for another precious commodity: time. And there is much risk involved, particularly in knowing what advice to follow, and what advice to avoid.

    My experience has been that people are more likely to take action on a product that cost them a small fortune - so the largest benefit to a big ticket item that teaches the steps is the motivation to actually take those steps and recoup your investment.

    More to that than I can say in 2 paragraphs, but food for thought at least.

  26. Hi Lynn,
    I admit I used to be skeptical of expensive marketing instructional materials such as this, however after trying a few I gotta say many are absolutely worth the money. If it helps your business profit more than the cost of the course in six months or less, how can you go wrong? And don't forget the lifetime value of that information; it could end up being worth millions to you - if you implement the ideas and work hard. Like Tiger said, nothing is truly "autopilot", but some businesses are definitely better than others - and IM businesses done right can be incredible.

  27. OC Web Design says

    These types of courses can be helpful, but you have to obviously take action on what you learn in order to make it worth the money. There are many high-ticket items that are full of fluff, but this may be a different story.

  28. I agree. In fact I blogged about that very topic recently. See:

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