Are Single People More Successful?

There was a topic brought up on my forum yesterday that asked the question Are Single People More Successful? The person asking this question is married with children. As most of you know, I'm a single mother of two - and have been for around 7 of the 10 years I've been in business.

Personally, I think that the answer to this question boils down to the individual person and their circumstances... with maybe a touch of "the grass is always greener on the other side" playing a role in the discussion.

Some of the questions raised were whether the single person has more time and freedom to pursue their goals, or whether the married person has more support and free time to pursue theirs.

Success is one of those flexible things that we define as individuals, and have to believe in wholeheartedly in order to achieve. From that perspective, it's all about the individual. The stay-at-home-mom that's married to the accountant might work online to earn a couple hundred a month for extra spending money. The single work-at-home-mom works online to earn a full-time income. And of course you have men who work online on the side after their day job... and husbands and fathers that are striving to support a whole family with their online income.

Take all of those individuals, situations and circumstances - and add in that some people have 100% support from their immediate family, and others get complete resistance. I would guess that no two situations are alike... and that there is no definitive answer to this question.

When I started my first business 10 years ago (in 1996), I was married and my husband and I were raising our four children - 2 his, 1 mine, 1 ours. That business venture was very successful, so I know that it can be done... married or single πŸ˜‰

While my husband never was one to work much himself, I have to say that he was great with the children. And in that way, he was very supportive and helpful as I pursued my business goals. He thought I was crazy when I scratched out that first business plan, but he gave me his support nonetheless. To be honest, I never could have accomplished what I did without him. The start-up days were not easy!

That said, in the 7 years that I've been single I have dated two people 'seriously' - and both of them were unsupportive of my business goals and a major distraction from my work. Not intentionally I dont imagine, but they never 'got it' and it was a constant struggle for me to maintain balance. In a situation like that, I doubt anyone could reach their idea of success.

These days I work a lot less to earn a decent income, as I'm way past the start-up phase and have learned a few things about 'working smart' vs 'working hard' along the way. Still, I have to admit that I really enjoy my freedom, and the fact that I can work on a new project for an entire weekend without looking up if I want to... And it's also nice to not work all summer if I want to take a break and hang out with the kids.

What is especially nice is not having to hear anyone else's opinion of whichever I choose to do πŸ˜›

Oh I've thought about dating - and even marriage - sure. I'm still human you know! In fact we were just talking about that on another forum the other day, what we would want in a relationship. My reply was 'probably the impossible' and 'I'd rather be checking my stats' LOL.

Try dating a single work-at-home-mom anyway - Ha! If I'm not cooking, doing yardwork, at the grocery store, hanging out with my kids, having coffee with the girls, shopping online, updating my sites, checking my email or browsing the forums... then I'm probably off at Cardio Kickboxing class.

Dont get me wrong. Dating is fun sometimes. But after a few dates, or a few months at best, I'm ready to get back to my life. It's a good life... and I rather like it the way it is. Some people say I'm obsessed with my work (you reading this?? πŸ˜› ), others will say I create a lifestyle to avoid serious relationships. I say - I'm having fun, leave me alone! πŸ˜†

One of these days I might meet a geek who talks stats language, makes me laugh, becomes my best friend, is fabulous in bed, eats sushi, doesnt mind keeping weird hours, dresses as funny as I do... that I could trust / rely on / depend on - and fall madly in love with.

And then whose blog are you gonna read?! 😯 LOL

Leave your thoughts on this topic below (I'm all ears!), or join us at the forum here:
Are Single People More Successful?

Successfully Single, (hehe)

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About Lynn Terry

Lynn Terry is a full-time Internet Marketer with over 17 years experience in online business. Subscribe to ClickNewz for the latest Internet Marketing trends & strategies, Lynn's unique case studies, creative marketing ideas, and candid reviews...moreΒ»


  1. I know this much... if my husband weren't so supportive I wouldn't have made it as far as I have. He has to put up with me obsessing about my sites and always wishing for more time to work on them, more time to play with the kids, more time to just spend with him... you know the routine.

    My inlaws still have trouble with the concept. Things improved when I outearned my husband, but they still can't believe I can earn money at home. It's not the business, it's the earning at home that gets to them.

    I will say that if I were single I'd probably stay up late more nights to get more work done!

  2. On my kidding lynn.

    I think you summed it all quite nicely there.

    Great article Lynn.

    Good to see you are happy, and THAT is the main thing.

    Take care Lynn.


  3. Ellen C Braun says

    Hi Lynn,

    There are so many variables in everyone's life, I agree, that it would be hard to generalize.

    That being said, an unsupportive spouse is truly an hinderance to success when working from home. I would not be able to put in the time and energy that I do without my husband's support.

    On the other hand, he doesn't necessarily realize that when I'm sitting here at the computer, I'm really busy- working! (Or am I? LOL!)

  4. "One of these days I might meet a geek who talks stats language, makes me laugh, becomes my best friend, is fabulous in bed, eats sushi, doesnt mind keeping weird hours, dresses as funny as I doÒ€¦

    Jeez, you just can't get over me can you Lynn! LOL

  5. LOL! πŸ˜†

    I guess I left myself wide open for that one πŸ˜›

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