Join Us! 100 Day Challenge Starts NOW…

The 100 Day Challenge is opening back up for the second quarter. If you missed getting in on this at the beginning of the year, now is your chance! πŸ˜‰

You'll find my original post about the Challenge here: I'm joining the 100 Day Challenge. (That link will open in a new tab so you won't lose your place here.)

If you're struggling to get on track to meet your 2013 goals, NOW is the time to seriously challenge yourself and MAKE it happen!

The first quarter is ending, which means 25% of this year is already GONE...

To lead a successful life, career & business, you need only three things:

1. A crystal clear understanding of WHAT you want to achieve.

2. A passionate desire and burning WHY that inspires massive action.

3. A plan of action which points to HOW success will be achieved and when.

The problem is being unsure of your WHAT, WHY, and/or HOW...

The 100 Day Challenge is a rock-solid blueprint for creating a breakthrough and starting the second quarter of the year with a bang.

Check out this incredible FREE video series that shows you how to create mind-blowing results in a very short period of time:

The fact is...

It will hurt.

It will take time.

It will demand willpower.

It will require dedication.

It will scream for sacrifice.

There will be temptation to quit.

At times, you'll want to throw in the towel.

But, I promise you...

When you do reach your goal...

The pleasure will far exceed the pain...

It will be worth every once of blood, sweat and tears...

And you'll make yourself proud.

In a world filled with so much regret...

We should all...

Elevate our game...

Dream big dreams and...

Focus on doing whatever it takes to achieve our goals...

This amazing program shows you how:

See you there πŸ˜‰


p.s. Be sure to read the Special Report ASAP.
It's that important and extremely time-sensitive!

About Lynn Terry

Lynn Terry is a full-time Internet Marketer with over 17 years experience in online business. Subscribe to ClickNewz for the latest Internet Marketing trends & strategies, Lynn's unique case studies, creative marketing ideas, and candid reviews...moreΒ»


  1. I couldn't agree with you more Lynn,

    It takes a REAL commitment and in the end you get what you measure.

    I didn't start seeing results until I started reviewed my statistics weekly.
    Since then I've been very happy with my growth over the last 56 days.

    It's not easy but once I started focusing on the right things everything changed.

  2. Would love to hear from anyone who did this in the first quarter. I'm still on the fence.

  3. It takes a lot of commitment to see good results in this kind of business. But in the end, everything's all worth it.

  4. Jimmy Wrex says

    Wow! I can't believe 25% of the year has already gone. I better get to work, like right freakin' now πŸ™‚

  5. I would also like to hear about the experience and results of anyone who did this in the first quarter.

    I've done lots of studying on goal setting over the years and I find it easy to have " A crystal clear understanding of WHAT I want to achieve" and "A Passionate desire and burning WHY that inspires massive action". I've never had a problem with tenacity or motivation. The thing that I've always struggled with is coming up with "A plan of action which points to HOW success will be achieved and when".

    For example; let’s say my goal was to make a consistent $10,000 per month by the end of 2013. A basic plan of action may be to build a website that brings in $1000 per month then make nine more just like it. The problem is that it doesn't work that way. You don't know if the site you build will make $1000 per month are any money at all. So how can you make a plan based on such uncertainty? Will the 100 day challenge help me get past this obstacle?

    I believe that most people struggle with the same thing. That is why they spend so much money on Internet marketing courses. They are trying to "buy" a plan to follow.

    Having a detailed plan to follow makes achieving goals easy. Creating or buying a plan of action that actually works is the difficult part.

    Your thoughts?

    • That's a great topic, John. There are plenty of blueprints for individual projects or tasks within your overall business - such as creating a product, list building, etc. But it would be difficult to create a true business blueprint, given any real business is as unique as the person behind it. And not everything works the same in every niche, with every market, or for every business owner (due to strengths / weaknesses / preferences / personality).

      Also, it could be said that a blueprint - or a need for instructions to follow - is more an employee mindset than an entrepreneur mindset.

      An internet based business is different too, in that it has to be very fluid given the constant changes in marketing options and technology. Things change constantly, and you have to be able to change and evolve with it all along the way.

      I prefer to work with individual business owners on their goals, step by step, in my private brainstorming group, where we can really dig in and work from "objective" to "goal achievement" on a more personal level.

  6. I'm considering doing this too but like Val, also on the fence. Some feedback about the program would be great, from those who have participated!

  7. Hi Lynn, that was a very inspiring post. I felt all charged up just reading it, I think I should take up this 100 day challenge to see where I stand. I wouldn't lie but I have been taking life easily, not hurrying about anything. But I think its high time I changed my mindset, thanks for sharing the post.

  8. Challenges always work for me, and here is another challenge waiting for me. I don't remember what I have been procrastinating, but I will do some sort of introspection and find out the direction to my challenge. Thanks for the post Lynn.

  9. Challenges are seriously awesome. They're a great way to create new habits, kick start something super cool you've always wanted to accomplish, and change your routine in positive ways that affect your life and/or your profit potential! πŸ˜‰

  10. Another excellent post, as all your posts are indeed wonderful. πŸ™‚

    I've never joined a challenge before! lol This may be the year that I do. Thanks for sharing this with us Lynn! Hope you have an excellent week. =)

  11. I would totally agree you need to know your WHY and then focus on to become successful. I have been lacking in these areas. Thanks Lynn for reminding me what is important.

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