So You Want To Do Facebook Advertising? Master The Cheap $5 Posts Method!

Facebook MarketingWhen the $5 Posts Quick Start Training Program was first released, I bought it.

Sadly I haven't done anything with it. YET. That is about to change... πŸ™‚

I've mentioned several times that I use a purely organic marketing strategy to build my online business. I haven't done paid advertising in at least a decade, back when Google Adwords was HOT.

So why now, and why did I pick the 5DP method? Two good reasons...


First, because Facebook Ads work. They work on ME even, lol.

As creepy as I find the whole retargeting concept, the truth is that I appreciate the recommendations and reminders - and they convert me.

I recently decided to order a pair of boots online, for example. After Facebook and Google put other related items in front of me... I spent close to $1,000 shopping online all said and done. Nice work. Smart advertising.

Second, because I have some BIG goals for this fourth quarter and leading into 2016. I'm branching out of my comfort zone and out of my norms to test some new things, and I'm looking to pad my bank account and build my lists to position myself nicely for an ambitious year ahead. πŸ™‚

I tested Facebook Ads a few times earlier this year, with disappointing results. So I quit and just continued my proven organic/free methods that WORK. I know there's HUGE opportunity there though, because they work on me (lol) and because my friends are seeing GREAT results. So I decided it's time to master this monster...

Why did I choose the Five Dollar Posts training program? Because I love the concept of running the cheapest ads for the biggest results.

Note: I have an exclusive bonus you'll receive automatically when you order through my link, which I'll tell you more about in a second... πŸ™‚

I also like Ron's teaching style. It's very practical and easy to follow. I invested in two other programs he released this year: Writers Help Wanted and Info Product Mastery.

I love the fact that he USES his own methods (successfully), and that he uses them outside the Internet Marketing niche - which really gains my respect.


Here's what I did NOT like, and why I procrastinated on it...

The Five Dollar Posts course is very detailed video training, and includes action steps conveniently listed below each video session. I like that. Unfortunately I do NOT like video based training. I want to like it, I just don't absorb it as well as written guides.

Call it a preference, or call it a learning disability (lol), but it's just a fact...

I finally wanted the RESULTS bad enough that I decided to dive in and go through it, and just slug through the videos, pausing the video to implement the steps as I went.

So that's what I started doing. It wasn't working for me. The training is GREAT. It just takes me forever to listen & watch, understand and retain the concept, then switch back and forth between tabs trying to do it as I go.

With a written guide, I usually print it out and whiz through it with the training in my hand and my screen open to implement. I like that method SO much better. It's just my thing. Here's what the inside of the training looks like by the way:

Facebook Advertising Training Program


I'm so happy I could get up and dance! πŸ™‚

I think I did actually -lol.

Just as I was forcing myself through the first videos, I got a message from Ron that he had ALL of the videos transcribed. YAY! <- I just shouted that in my office (again). haha. This seriously makes my day!

They are not available publicly yet, but as an exclusive bonus you'll get ALL the PDF training guides, in addition to the extensive video training, when you order through my link. You'll find the bonus on your download page in JVZoo.

Nice, right? πŸ™‚ So yes, you get ALL of the PDF training guides - in addition to everything mentioned on the sales page.

The video training is great by the way. It's very well done. And I love that there is an Action List below each video. The whole thing is top notch. But it's the PDF versions of the same training modules that really make this a WIN for me...

I printed them all off this afternoon, and I'm ready to sit down and rock some seriously profitable ads this weekend!

If you want to join me, and finally see great results with Facebook Advertising - meaning your dollars spent are a smart investment with a huge return, and not just flushed down the Facebook toilet πŸ˜› ...

Grab the $5 Posts Quick Start Training Program and get started today!


"Most people who attempt to use Facebook ads inevitably lose money before they figure out how to properly use the system - myself included.

It can be intimidating at first, especially when you’re burning your hard earned cash while hoping for conversions.

With this program, I hope to not only show you how to profitably run Facebook ads, but also help you avoid the costly mistakes I’ve made.

Facebook is truly a goldmine for highly targeted customer leads, but you have to learn how to properly use the power of their system to filter out the freebie seekers and pinpoint the ideal prospects for your offer.

Did you know: The more conversions you run through Facebook’s system, the better Facebook becomes at sending you the most qualified traffic for your offer. Once you’ve β€œseasoned” your conversion pixel, your ads start to perform a lot better. We teach you exactly how to do that.

We show you how to find highly engaged interests to target and test with a $5 a day budget for each. Then we’ll show you how to find the winners and scale those up profitably." -Ron Douglas, Five Dollar Posts

Remember to use my link for the exclusive bonus PDF guides. I set up the bonus through my JVZoo account, so it's currently the only way you can get the PDF training in addition to the video modules. Enjoy! πŸ™‚
About Lynn Terry

Lynn Terry is a full-time Internet Marketer with over 17 years experience in online business. Subscribe to ClickNewz for the latest Internet Marketing trends & strategies, Lynn's unique case studies, creative marketing ideas, and candid reviews...moreΒ»


  1. Bonnie Gean says

    Hi Lynn,

    Had I not already invested in this course, I would grab the chance to get it through your link!
    But, I'm with you on the video. I don't mind watching it, but I prefer the guide in hand like you do.

    I've already started the video training and I am creating a new offer specifically to try out on Facebook.Couple this training with the Infoproduct Mastery course and you're bound to get a great amount of new leads.

    Here's to hoping we both pad our bank accounts! πŸ™‚

    - Bonnie

    • Hi Bonnie,

      Since you already have this course, you should have the bonus transcripts. πŸ˜‰ I printed mine off and put them in a binder all together - just the way I like it, lol.

      The training in the info product course IS a great complement. I especially liked the templates though - for product brainstorming, product creation, sales letters, sales flow, etc. And the one for coming up with a good hook/angle was a GREAT piece!

      Here's to an awesome year ahead. Indeed. πŸ™‚ *cheers*

  2. james samy says

    Hi Lynn

    I got 5dollars product the day you shared. But I did not open it until today.
    Download the guide and your bonus. Definitely going to implement it .. NO EXCUSES or procrastination

    Thank you

  3. Hey Lynn,

    Quick question, as I'm a little confused. For those taking Ron's Info Product course, is this Facebook training a good way for someone just starting out to build a new list from scratch or would you consider this more advanced training for down the line?


    • Hi Carrie,

      Great question! Ron actually goes through how to start from scratch - so even someone just starting out could use this to build up a list and audience and start making money right away.

      It's really in depth too though, so even with all my experience in online marketing - and even paid advertising - I am learning TONS! πŸ™‚ I'm implementing as I go, so I'm already ready to run ads today after only a few days of studying & setting up. And that's because I had a busy weekend, so I was only working on it "on the side" lol.

      It has a guarantee too, so feel free to check it out. *cheers*

    • p.s. I just realized you're taking the Info Product Master Workshop - so YES, definitely! You can start building a list for your new product now, and also use this strategy to sell your product when it's ready. πŸ™‚

      • Thanks, Lynn. I'm going to check it out! πŸ™‚

        • Lynn, just placed my order and wanted to say, for anyone else that might misread the discount code (esp as it's time sensitive) that I typed in IT20off 3 times instead of LT20off as my brain was a bit hung up on IT for info tech....rather than your initials! Finally got it right after *thinking* about it for a moment... πŸ™‚


  4. Hi Lynn..... I bought the program through your link when you first posted about it, a few weeks ago I think. I am actually already using Fb ads and I've had AWESOME results with them, but I am a total info junkie and constantly want more. πŸ™‚

    To tell the truth, I was a little afraid at first, that Ron was going to be too "market-ey" (haha).... but since I bought the program, I've watched and listened to a few of the webinars and things he's sent out, and I have to say, he really gives a lot of good information. And that's just from the extras he's sent out in email.... I really need to catch up on the actual course content. I'm sure there is a lot to learn from it!

    • Ron is great, isn't he? πŸ™‚ I met him in person earlier this year and really liked him then - and his history and story even more. Since then, I've joined in on a few of his training programs and LOVED them, so this one was a no brainer for me. πŸ˜‰

      I'm learning TONS from the course, including creative ideas for my reviews and landing pages even. I love the depth of information!

      Check out the PDF version if that's easier for you. You should find it in your bonus section on the download page in your JVZoo account. Enjoy!

  5. Finally got around to registering for the course since bought it when you first mentioned it. I didn't see any bonus section on the download page so I guess that means no PDFs for the videos...right?

  6. Hi Lynn. This is incredible value!! Your discount is great and the PDF version of the course makes it so easy to learn. Have reviewed the modules and Ron really knows his stuff. Thanks for the notice and I hope that more people get this training!!

    • It IS an incredible value! πŸ™‚ I agree on the PDF version. That really got me moving, as I'm now running through the training in good speed, and implementing as I go... *cheers*

      • You must be working the course!! I just noticed your pixel generated AD has shown up on my timeline (right hand side). Good for you and I hope that I can follow your (and Ron's) lead. Facebook pixeling is amazing!!

      • Of course! I can't JUST learn - I'm implementing as I go. πŸ˜‰ I also have ads lined up in my low carb niche, but you probably won't see those -lol. *cheers*

  7. james samy says

    Hi Lynn,

    Definitely pdf vith video training. I can refer back the pdf print out instead of flipping the. pdf on my pc.
    By the way, I started listening to the videos. Need to start the doing engine .. lol

  8. james samy says

    Thank you Lynn for the reminder to bind the pdf. I will do it and true it will be much easier to flip also can be kept in one file.
    Awesome tips.

  9. Elizabeth Tobin says

    Hi Lynn,
    This may sound like a silly question but I don't have an active facebook page for my business. I just have my personal facebook account. Can I even do facebook ads without a business page?

    • Hi Elizabeth,

      Not silly at all! Ron actually mentions that in the course. You don't have to have a business page, but it's really easy to set one up. And if you need help promoting it, or have questions about how to best use it, you can join my Social Marketing Results group on Facebook. πŸ™‚

      I'm happy to help with that. But no, you don't necessarily need a Page. You'll want one though. And your market will thank you for it! You'll eventually run into a problem with a profile as it only lets you have 5,000 "friends" - and I reached that one day and had to start over with Pages. πŸ˜› Not ideal!

  10. Looks like I missed out by a few minutes... bummer. I was going to buy... I agree, I need PDF files too. So much faster.

    • Hi Mark,

      Unfortunately the coupon code did expire at Midnight Eastern tonight, but the training is only $37 - and the PDF training guides bonus will still be in your account when you order through my link. That exclusive bonus is set up through my affiliate account.

      It's an incredible value. I am getting SO much out of it! πŸ™‚

      I always learn from the way others do things, but besides the advertising methods... the top two things I've taken away so far are some really neat tips about landing pages - content pages that convert, specifically.

      And also about Audience Insights. Even if you never run an Ad, you can use Facebook's ad manager to analyze all sorts of insights about your market!

      You can even upload your mailing list, or create an audience based on the types of people that like your Facebook Page (even if it's not that many - because it does a "lookalike audience"). Just tons of neat stuff I'm going to be able to implement in so many other ways in my business...

      • Thanks Lynn... ok, if I can still get the PDF guide... it does sound worth it...still more affordable than a lot of the IM releases that are hot right now.

        Yes, that insight manger does look helpful, once I figure it out.

      • I agree. It's a sweet deal. And yes - the insights alone are amazing! The things I've learned about my two different markets (and how they differ, which is A LOT - way more than I would have guessed) will change the way I word things, the way I position products and content - and even myself. Good stuff. πŸ˜‰

  11. Lynn, Another comment, just had to totally agree with you. Video training is so common these days, but I don't like it. I much prefer written guides, I can glance through, grab the parts that I need and move with it.

    Like you, I tried Facebook ads, got little from it. Looking at this training now... told myself NO NEW ANYTHING (BSO's) but...

    Mostly, just had to say KUDOs for voicing the fact that some of us just don't do videos well. I rarely attend webinars for the same reason... just not me!


  12. I agree Wendy, I just can't retain the information as well - and it takes me ENTIRELY too long to go through videos, vs whizzing through text and implementing as I go. πŸ™‚

  13. I think the advertising is still subtle enough to keep users at ease. I think it's a great opportunity for advertisers to reach and meet people where they are - and the masses are on facebook. I would like to know more about how effective the advertising has been for local businesses particularly, as someone has already told me they had great results with it.

  14. Linda Todd says

    Lynn, I am the same way about video. I am a member at Writer's Help Wanted and had an opportunity to get the 5 dollar thing. I did not, and I love written material. You can go back and re-read a lot easier with a PDF, etc.

    I want it in writing and I think a lot of people are missing out on $$$ because everybody is doing videos now.???

  15. Linda Todd says

    I see that is a PDF now.


  16. Linda Todd says

    Just went in and found my purchase for this, way back when. I do not have the PDF nor could I find it on JVZoo, or the video section for this product. I have the Quick Start Guide in PDF. I need to get the PDF and have left a message.

    Just an FYI.

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