ScratchBack: The New WordPress Tip Jar

Melissa Ingold sent me a message yesterday about a cool new widget called ScratchBack. It's a great concept for the WordPress tip jar that allows your readers to get a "top spot" link on your blog when they leave you a tip.

I had been using the Buy Me A Beer Plugin here on ClickNewz, but after 6+ months had recently decided to deactivate the plugin. Its a great script, and works flawlessly, but it didnt prove to be a profitable use of the space in my opinion...

It earned $5 this month, $3 in January, and $10 in December. I deactivated this morning and replaced it with the new ScratchBack widget, which you'll see in the sidebar over to the right.

What's cool about the ScratchBack Widget? First, its super easy to set up. It's also free, so you can have it up and running on your blog in less than 5 minutes for zero cost upfront.

You get to keep 90% of the tips, with the other 10% going to ScratchBack. That's more than fair in exchange for use of the Widget and total automation of your Top Spots links.

You can choose to offer text links or image links in your Top Spots widget. The links use the no-follow tag, so they are completely google-friendly. There wont be any concern about losing PageRank for selling text links πŸ˜‰ .

Again, you can see it in action to the right. I currently have it set to only $5 if you'd like to try it out. Your link will automatically move to the top of the list, and it will stay live on my site until the widget gets full (ie the 11th person after you bumps your listing off the top 10).

Until the end of February I am going to test this Widget with only 10 spots, at only $5 per listing. You get to specificy your URL, the Anchor Text for your link, and a mouseover message that readers can view by hovering their mouse over your link.

Give it a try! And if you decide to set this widget up on your own blog, be sure to trackback this post or leave your link in the comment section below so I can check it out. We can test how well the widget works, and also test the traffic received from it.


p.s. A big thank you to Melissa for spreading the news about the ScratchBack widget! You can get to know Melissa at She also has a new free report that you may want to check out about "why people buy things". You can get it here.

About Lynn Terry

Lynn Terry is a full-time Internet Marketer with over 17 years experience in online business. Subscribe to ClickNewz for the latest Internet Marketing trends & strategies, Lynn's unique case studies, creative marketing ideas, and candid reviews...moreΒ»


  1. I saw this yesterday on Melissa's website and thought, this is pretty cool! As you can see, Wahmcart is in participation -- I'm sure this will do very well here πŸ™‚

  2. David Dutton says

    Count me in Lynn. πŸ™‚


  3. Russell Portwood says

    Hi Lynn!
    I've been meaning to make a post for a while so nows the time. Mainly I wanted to congratulate you on your new house. It's fantastic! So glad you made it happen. Oh, and if you don't make it to Affiliate Summit, come on up to the Knoxville meeting.

    I love this widgit and will give it a shot just to give you a bit of support. ($5 ain't much though - the way you help people is priceless). Anyway, thanks!

  4. Melissa Ingold says

    Wow Lynn, it looks like it's working great for you already πŸ™‚ I'm glad you decided to share it with your readers because it's a really neat tool.

    PS. My report actually isn't free, it's $7.97, eek, sorry!

  5. Linda Stacy says

    I just bought a spot and added ScratchBack to my blog. I'm testing just 5 spots at $3 each. I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks!
    (Click my name for a direct link.)

  6. Sorry about that Melissa - I took that link from your signature at the SSWT Forum and must have read it wrong!

    Russell - Thank you & Thank you πŸ˜€ I wont be able to make it to Knoxville this Saturday as I'll be finishing up last minute details before the movers get here at 8am on Sunday (if procrastination is planned, is it really procrastination??)...

    Linda - looks good! It blends in almost *too* well though. You'll have to test different color schemes and see which one works best on your blog. Good luck!

  7. The top 10 spots went pretty quick today, but it will be interesting to see how quickly they get bumped - particularly as the 'new' wears off πŸ˜‰

  8. I've always wondered if that "buy me a drink" script would actually be profitable -- thanks for the honest appraisal. I'll be watching to see how this test goes!

  9. You're welcome, Chris - that plugin had its moments where it was worthwhile, but to be honest it wasnt worth the amount of space it took up on my blog.

    I'm looking at Adsense for the next 'cut' lol...

  10. Hey Lynn, I like this a lot better than the tip jar idea, mainly because everyone benefits and I think you'll see much better results, actually -- looks like you have already!

  11. This sounds like a great idea.
    Is it possible to set it up so the links open in a new window?


  12. Not that I know of - the widget is hosted by them, so you only have a certain number of options.

  13. I thought it was perfect. I've often thought about adding a tip jar, but thought it was kind of cheeky... but this is a real win/win.

    I offer advertising on my podcast and site, but it's far more expensive than this. A quickie text link for a few bucks is a great deal for someone with a smaller budget. I sold a text link within minutes of adding the widget πŸ™‚

  14. Hi Linda,

    I just tested it out by buying a TopSpot on your blog - really cool! I love the instant gratification thing πŸ™‚ Also, when I completed the process I found a link on the confirmation page to their directory. Be sure to submit your blog there!

  15. Now that is the Coolest widget ever! Thanks to Melissa for telling you and thanks Lynn for sharing. I'm going to add this and buy a spot from you too. Very neat!

  16. Cool idea! Look forward to seeing how this works out for everyone. Simple installation - great idea. Thanks for sharing Melissa and Lynn.

  17. This is great! Looking forward to seeing what the results are!

  18. Linda Stacy says

    Lynn... thanks for buying a link. I've been looking for the widget on everyone's blogs and buying a link on related sites. I love that instant gratification too!

    I haven't added my site to the Scratchback directory yet. Have you? I'm wondering how many "junk" links that might result in. I don't want to have to switch to approving links.

  19. I did, so we'll see how it goes - I'll be keeping an eye on that too. So far so good!

  20. Tucson Web Design says

    This is a great feature from the wordpress team, thanks guys!!

  21. I added ScratchBack to two of my sites last week. It's a nifty little tip jar inded.

  22. It is - I'm very happy with it so far. I activated the widget on my site on the 17th, and it has earned a total of $77.67 so far. Not bad, considering how poorly my original tip jar was doing - and the readers get to benefit from the links & exposure. A great win/win - this widget gets a thumbs-up from me πŸ˜‰

  23. Diane Scott says

    Excellent idea! Running the whole thing past my partner but I have a feeling we'll be back for this one πŸ™‚

    Just getting this blog off the ground, but finally found a "niche" of sorts we really enjoy working in blog style.

    Actually to think of all the years devoted to building sites, only to discover I do, in fact, enjoy blogging best πŸ™‚

    Again many thanks! I've been here for almost a half hour LOL!

  24. You're most welcome πŸ˜€ It's definitely worth testing to see how well it works in your niche. That's the only way to know (put it to the test!). I'm very pleased with it myself so far.

    And I'm like you - I rather prefer blogging too πŸ˜‰

  25. I have been thinking about using this widget for a while now. Legal text links. Hmmmm... it is becoming more attractive by the minute.

  26. Looks like the advantage of this widget is great, judging from other comments placed.

  27. I commented earlier but I'll comment again. Scratchback added an additional $80 in revenue from my blog this month. I'm happy. πŸ™‚

  28. Stefani Partin says

    I finally got around to adding this to my blog today!

  29. tech for geek says

    nice tips...but paid to review program is more easier than this tips

  30. It is easier, yes, but you'll want to see this:

    Also, I earn much more from Affiliate Marketing than I ever did via paid-to-post programs:

  31. Jim Kukral says

    Wow, such great comments here, thanks everyone!!!

    Get a free SB laptop sticker if you want one, check the SB blog.

  32. I finally added ScratchBack to my site - only took me 6 months!

  33. ken shoufer says

    I just clicked on the ScratchBack link and it said it's closing it's doors as of November 2011.

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