I always caution people about researching SEO on their own, as there is entirely too much misinformation floating around on the topic. Still, its something that you absolutely must learn if you plan to make money online.
SEO Lies by Justin Brooke is
35 Pages Of Pure "Take It To The Bank" Actionable Content
(If you use the link above, you can download this report for only $1 - yes, one dollar!)
In SEO Lies, Justin Brooke does something that this industry has needed for years now: He takes all the crap you've heard about SEO and tells you what is wrong and why - and what is correct. It is simple and to the point, and cuts through all the contradicting fluff you'll read all over the web and then shows you just how simple Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can be...
Most people over-complicate SEO. It's really not that hard. Its just optimizing web pages to rank well in the major search engines for specific keyword phrases. I have a very simple tutorial on that here at ClickNewz.
Simple SEO doesnt really cut it for most people though, as it raises questions such as:
- What qualifies as duplicate content?
- What about nofollow links?
- Exactly how much content do I have to write?
- How many months does it take for this to work?
etc, etc, etc...
Justin Brooke answers all of these questions and more in SEO Lies. And its not just rehashed information, but the results of Justins own research and testing over the last 2 years.
There are a couple of typos and grammatical errors in the report, and it doesnt always read that smooth, but the content itself is excellent and provides some very detailed information about how to easily achieve top search engine rankings.
I could have written it better, but I didnt... and besides, I wouldnt have given it away for only $1 π
The research tools that Justin mentions are well worth the one dollar alone. I'll confess I wasnt even aware of them myself. There are 2 tools mentioned on page 21 of the report that I've been playing with all morning. I actually printed out SEO Lies, so I just googled them and they were very easy to find.
One of the tools is about Audience Intelligence, or "intent" as we've been talking about quite a bit on our weekly webinars. The tool is a bit limited, but valuable nonetheless. For example when it comes to Commercial Intention, About.com brings in visitors with a 79% informational intent. Amazon.com has a 51% commercial intent, and CircuitCity.com has a 60% commercial intent.
Even more interesting was the Bonus Tool mentioned on the same page (p. 21). Using this free tool I discovered that the majority of the searches for the term "Internet Marketing" come from Indonesia, Zimbabwe and Nigeria. Interesting to know?? You bet!
It also told me that "internet marketing blog" is a rising search (nearing 'breakout' even), which is awesome... since this blog ranks #5 for that phrase π
Bottom line: this is information you need to know.
Download SEO Lies and read it right away. Like I said, you can get a copy for only $1 if you use this link. You'll also have the opportunity to recommend the report, and you'll get your referral link as part of the package. And if that wasnt incentive enough, Justin has a very cool follow-up series that includes some great resources and strategies as well.
I've made the lions share of my income through SEO (free traffic!) for the last 5 years, and there is no price tag I could put on that. Its simple, as long as you have the right facts...
p.s. Justin even puts his toll-free phone number at the end of this report, in case you have questions or need specific help with something π
Hey Lynn, good review.
Before you throw the rock...
"There are a couple of typos and grammatical errors in the report, and it doesnt always read that smooth, " I think it would be smoothLY when used as an adverb.
Hi Lynn- i just got my copy- looks like a great book.
Thanks for the recommendation.
Thanks for this! it really helps a lot.
Hi Lynn,
I just downloaded it and can't wait to read it. Thanks for the recommendation!
Best Regards,
Thanks for this post, Lynn. You can bet as soon as I get through here I will be getting Justin's report. Thanks for your tweet about this post, too. :o)
LOL, thank you Grammar Police π
If you surf around ClickNewz a bit, I'll probably get heavily ticketed -heh. I'm no grammar queen! And point well taken π
For $1, the lack of editing didnt really phase me. The content is excellent, and the resources are very cool. Just thought it was worth noting that it reads a little rough in places...
Got the report and went through it. You guys gave this away for one buck? Such powerful information almost for free. Thanks a lot guys. You guys deliver great values.
You should rest assured that you are being read - SOMEtimes carefully. Credit to you.
And who is Justin Brooke?
Thanks for the recommendation. The title reminded me of Sylvie Fortin's report called "Internet Marketing Sins"...so I had to check it out, too.
Keep up the good work...
Hmm, guess I get to play devil's advocate. π I agree with a few of your points, but I did find the marketing of it to be a bit misleading at times, and I do disagree with some of his SEO philosophy. I made a post about it the other week . . .
Wow! I am honored to have such a great review by you Lynn. I only even knew you were doing this by a Google Alert I had setup for my name.
And sorry about the grammar everyone. It's not my strong suit. I only ever got my G.E.D. which should be even more evidence that if I can do this - You can do this!
Lynn you are a remarkable marketer that I aspire to. I remember two years ago adding you as a friend on Myspace and when you added me back I was so excited I told my wife about it like a 13yr old school girl getting brushed on the shoulder by Justin Timberlake.
To now have a review on your blog is, well, I just don't know the right words. I think it's pretty awesome and gives me evidence that I am doing the right things.
Thanks and if there is ever anything else I can do to help your subscribers. You know how to reach me.
Oh Justin! I am dying over here with laughter! But honestly, you have inspired me. Thank you so much for coming on over to post here.
Thank you! And thank you Lynn for posting Justin's SEO Ebook
Best Regards,
I too bought it .. its a very interesting read. What do you honestly expect for $1.00
Thanks Lynn
Lynn and Justin,
I had picked this report up a few days ago and read it cover to cover. Actually dialed that 800 number to alert Justin of the typos.
Honestly, the typos take absolutely nothing away from the awesome, simple spoken, easy to follow, value packed content that we recieved (I know-spelled it wrong-LOL) for just $1.00!
Lynn, this is definitely something that you could wrap your stellar reputation around in recommending since it has such awesome information!
Thank you both!
I'm so glad you guys enjoyed this one.
So did I!
So much in fact that I've invited Justin to join us on our Tuesday webinar tomorrow (12/2). Be sure to tune in live and bring your questions! π
You can register here if you're not already on the list:
For 1 dollar, I figured what the heck and grabbed the report. I noticed he mentions Michelle's 30 Minute Backlinks method, which I love and have been having good results with. I did a review of that product awhile back on Easy Wahm Websites.
I liked Justin's report, mostly because it's not full of fluff. I agree, at first glance you think it's going to be a newbie report, but hey everyone can use a refresher course once in awhile. This is a good refresher to help get all the fluff out of my ears and get my blinders pointed in the right direction again.
Thank you so much Lynn and Justin!
I just downloaded it and look forward to reading it.
"See you" on the webinar!
Lori Moreno
I really enjoyed this guide, not only for the great content ...and it's very good, but how Justen pulled himself up from complete despair and made his life into a success.
We're all responsible for our own successes and shortcomings and Justen, with little more than a G.E.D education and yes, his poor grammar -- he made his mark. Way to go Justen!
I have to agree with you Elizabeth - I think that's one of the things that really drew me in when I first started reading this report.
I ended up getting my GED as well, after barely missing graduation - and have zero college. I know a lot of you are familiar with my start-up, so you can imagine how Justin's story resonated with me...
Okay Shall give it a try. Do dabble a bit in SEO, so we shall see if it is up to scratch.
Got the book. Here's my review.
Hi Lynn,
Can you give me the link for cd engine. I can't find it. When I enter that term I get a CD/DVD site.
Your review and the comments have convinced me to take the plunge. Actually take the plunge later tonight when I'm not working. Thanks and I look forward to it.
I had to take a moment and leave a comment on your post because it was very informative and interesting. It sure helps to read a post from someone that knows what they are talking about! Thanks for the heads up on SEO.
Hi Anthony, I believe you are talking about http://www.cbengine.com - I could be wrong but that was the link I recommended on the webinar for finding brand new clickbank products.
Thanks Lynn, I just finished SEO Lies and it certainly lives up tp your review. I am impressed. Thanks for sharing it with us. I know $1 minus PayPal fees isn't the reason you promoted it so thank you.
Pretty good review Lynn.
I just read this book and it is pretty good. Some of the things he say I do not really agree with, but over all I think he did a great job. I like your site! I will have book mark it.
Lynn thanks for the review. I just found your blog a few days ago and have been going through some of the old posts. Thanks for sharing so much. I am on your email list but what about the webinars.
Thanks, Andy
Nice post, it is of great help for me.
SEO Lies is one of the best reports I've read on SEO.It is practical. You don't need great technical skills.
wow..this is really a great book! Thanks Lynn!
It is affordable price and i will purchase it!
Hope,it will be useful!
thank you!
I'm going to buy it. I've been fed to many SEO lies.
Looks like the link is broken now. Know where else I can get this from?
I've tried getting Lynn her new link a couple of times... I'll just post it here for her.
(It's still $1, click the Add To Cart button and it will ask you if you want the physical version for $19.95 or the digital for $1)
Thank you Justin,
FYI, here is the current accurate download link:
Enjoy! π
I just got done downloading... so far it easily worth the $1! I'll let you know what I think of it...
Thank you Justin for the update. I was worried I would miss out on your report. I can't wait to read it to see whether I have been told any lies about SEO. I hope I'll find great information there.
The link to the 1 dollar download doesn't work?
is this offer still valid?
We've since taken the report from digital ebook to now a published paperback. You can find it at sitefling.com/seolies
Any chance of getting the 1 dollar digital version? No need for paperback...
plus I don't live in US so shipping would be a ton.
The $1 version is back up for good and has been updated to include new 2010 strategies that are important.
Please Lynn email me so I can give you the correct link
Got it, Thanks! Here's the link for the $1 version:
Enjoy! π
I purchased that ebook. Will see how it goes. Thanks Justin and Lynn.
WOW! 2 years later and this book is still hot? Is it still accurate since 2008? I already bought it, and my ADHD "SEO Addicted Brain" is consumed with intrigue!
But I'd still would like ben told if its still the mostest accuratest SEO book LOL! (I kill me!) π
Gary Anderson II
P.S. Don't say I didn't warn ya Lynn... My humble little blog is at a Google PR-3 (for the home page), and an OSE page authority of 34-ish. The real kicker? It's with LESS than 20 articles on the whole blog!! I'm gonna catch ya!
Just kidding.... I've learned much of my SEO by watching you here at ClickNewz lynn, THANKS! π
Boy oh boy I read through these comments and I can sure see 2 and a half years worth of changes being made to my site. To anyone reading these for the first time it might look kinda hectic.
As of January 20th 2011 this book has been updated once again. This time it's a BIG update because a new 3rd major ranking factor has been added... It's not all about backlinks anymore (though they still hold a lot of weight).
Since the book is now over 50 pages long, has been updated every year since it's first writing in 2008, and sold over 7,000 copies we have increased the price to $10. Which we believe is still a huge undervaluing, but we must account for the amount of work that has gone into making this one of the best SEO Books to own.
In short, YES it has been updated to 2011 and beyond techniques, the price is now $10, and it is STILL selling just as fast and furious as when it first came out.
Thank you all!!
This is really weird Justin!
I bought your first "SEO Lies" book just a few weeks ago... then I got the update within a couple hours from my last comment (yesterday).
I just got finished reading the rest of the 2011 update... then came here to see if my comment was approved yet... and here YOU (Justin Brook) ARE! (insert Twilight Zone music here) π
Thanks Justin!
The magic of Google Alerts and comment subscriptions π
Dude! Your Awesome!!!
I sat and stared at your comment > "The magic of Google Alerts and comment subscriptions" ... I was thinking you were trying to give me a hint of some kind... and I'm proud to say... it took me about 9 seconds to "Feeeeger Out" what you meant. Now I'm thinking "Duhhh!" π
Thanks man!
P.S. Did I tell you yet that I bought your "SEOBully" method? π
I'm beginning to like you more and more Gary π
Please let me know if there's ever any questions or sticking points I can help you with.