Taking Daily Action: Huge Goals, Little Steps

Every single day I wake up and take daily action towards my goals. I rarely ever achieve anything monumental in a single day. And on the days that I do, it's a result of all the steps and tasks I've completed on all of the days leading up to that one.

Sometimes I get that nagging feeling that I should be further along on a project than I am. That there are entirely too many itty bitty mundane tasks to achieve. There are days it feels like I've been working on it forever, and wonder if I will ever get it to the point of completion. And then I do...

I'm working on multiple projects at the moment. If that sounds like a contradiction to my "start to profit" teaching, keep in mind that I am already in profit.

When you get to a point of securing a passive base income in your online business, you'll have the free time and resources to work on new projects. I also outsource a heckuva lot. Another perk to having achieved that "start to profit" model.

It's 9am on a Saturday morning as I write this. Already today I have:

  • set up a new ClickBank account for one of my products
  • created and customized the Aweber mailing list for a new site I'm launching
  • sent off a blog interview request
  • outsourced a task to someone who is better at it than I am
  • secured affiliate links & graphics for 3 new products I want to review
  • added a new backlink to a page I want to rank well

... and of course I've answered blog comments, questions on my discussion forum, answered a dozen or so emails, updated my social media profiles, wrote a blog post, had a quick meeting with my programmer - and did a load of laundry.

So now I'm off to a fun lunch and a nice break with @GinaParris, after which I'll probably enjoy a long afternoon nap, and then I'll get back to work.

Daily action. That's what it's all about. No matter how small the tasks seem, they still have to be done. Every task is one step closer to the goal. Then one day you look up and realize just how far you've come.

I'm amazed at what I've accomplished in the last week, just getting up and going through one step after the other every morning... Even more so when I look back over my 13 years in business. Makes me want to light up a Virginia Slim! πŸ˜€

What have you accomplished today?


p.s. Sometimes the tasks come with a learning curve, sometimes you're not even sure what tasks you should be doing to achieve your specific goals. Anytime you have a question - technical or otherwise - just stop by my discussion forum. We'll help you out!

About Lynn Terry

Lynn Terry is a full-time Internet Marketer with over 17 years experience in online business. Subscribe to ClickNewz for the latest Internet Marketing trends & strategies, Lynn's unique case studies, creative marketing ideas, and candid reviews...moreΒ»


  1. Rahman Mehraby says

    What helps me find out about my daily and weekly achievement is the ticked check lists. I specially feel capable of evaluating my week that I can look back at my weekly checklists in which I remember what I've done.

    Then, i plan for the next week and the tasks to be carried out. These tasks are part of a longer plan that are going to be landmarks in the life of my online business.

  2. Holy Cow, Lynn! If you weren't my friend, you'd be my darned idol! I'm going to tell the waitress, "I'll have whatever she's having." Maybe eating the same food will help me have some of that same 'get 'er done' clarity.

  3. I think you were very productive today Lynn πŸ™‚

    I have finally finished of the new updates for Success in 7 Days and it feels sooo good! I have been super productive this week and it is thanks to my to do lists, the fab sswt elite forum and action!

  4. Have a great lunch you two! I'm jealous that you get to hang out.

    I'm still working on getting to the level of profit where I can have some extra time and get some other things going. I feel like I'm heading in the right direction finally though.

    • You definitely are πŸ˜‰

      It was super nice to get out of the office for a few hours and enjoy a nice lunch. Much needed after the hours I worked this week πŸ˜›

  5. james, advanced internet marketing says

    I use a technique of breaking down the
    big goal into 3 steps, then again and again,
    until I have a series of very basic initial steps
    that allow me to build great momentum...
    great article

  6. Lynn you are a great person who shares ideas, knowledge and whatever you see or learn to the Lynn Terry group.

    I am build-up myself with this post...thank you

  7. It was nice to kick the day off with some productivity. Came home from lunch and enjoyed a long nap as expected πŸ™‚ and now getting lots of things wrapped up this evening as well. Feels good to get things done!!

  8. Lynn, I've only been following you for 6-8 weeks and you ARE my idol! I'm amazed at how productive you are. I'm pretty good at what I do, but I have a tendency to overwhelm myself at times.

    I really enjoy reading your articles and applying various tid bits to my own business. Thank you for sharing and please keep it coming.


    • Thank you, Rick πŸ˜€ Some days I only get an hour or two of work in, so I really try to make it count. I have two teens and a mortgage, after all πŸ˜‰

      • That's another reason you are my hero (should have used that word before). Single mom with two teens and still running a successful business?

        It's not just the amount of money that makes you successful, it's the freedom and lifestyle that the money allows. I enjoyed reading your Tweets and seeing your pictures of your Vegas trip with your kids. Being able to do that is priceless!

        And I can relate. In a previous business venture (consulting) I was a single dad with two teenage daughters, with one in her first year of college.

        When my business was doing well, I was able to pursue my dream of owning an airplane. I was able to take friends and family flying. Being able to fly myself and my girls to Orlando, FL for a week's vacation was priceless!

        Unfortunately that business fell apart and I lost the airplane, but we'll always have the memories (and pictures) of the good times we enjoyed and trips we took in the plane.

        One of the things I learned from my success back then was how rewarding it was to share my success with others by taking friends, family and even clients up in the plane.

        These and other things drive me to be successful in internet marketing today. So yes, when I see what you are doing, it helps to inspire me to push forward on those days when I don't feel like I'm making progress.

        Thank you again for sharing.

        • Thank you, Rick. You make such great points in your story, and I really enjoyed reading it. Life is full of phases, ups and downs, good and bad. I know firsthand how quickly a rug can get jerked out from under you, and wake up every day grateful for the day at hand...

  9. Didn't get much accomplished today in the business sense, but we have an unusual amount of snow in our area, so yesterday and today were snow days for my family. I've gotten bits and pieces of work done, but also spent hours enjoying my family.

    One thing I got going today was helping my 7 year old to start work on her own website. I don't think there will be many sites (or searches, but at her age that's not the point) on her niche, which for the moment is "fairy catching." I hope she has fun with it.

    • How fun! I have my youngest working on her first Squidoo Lens. The new rule at my house is that you must write a product review and publish it on Squidoo for EVERY personal Amazon purchase that goes through my account πŸ˜›

  10. I love this and you have inspired me, Cut the clutter that holds me back focus on my passion and what will inspire others to be the best they can be

    in gratitude

  11. This is a Great Post, I have been taking Daily Action now and am really happy to see my success growing...I also have the mantra of "Work to Completion" because I get excited so easily about New projects πŸ™‚

    One question, do you personally use Burn Your To DO List? Wondering about the quality the price seems good...

    • I am in the process of submitting some work to BYTDL, and have really enjoyed getting to know Rachel and the team. I'll have a full review once I have finished my first round with them, so be sure to keep an eye out or subscribe by email so you don't miss that!

  12. I love your idea of having a list to do each morning and just getting it done. Thanks for the idea!

    • I start every day with a mini-list by my mouse, which contains the Top Three Priority Tasks for the day. Once I get those done (first!), then I refer back to my master task list and work from there.

  13. i love reading this sort of "behind the scenes" stuff, it's very interesting to see how the professionals do it, thanks for sharing!

  14. Hi Lynne,
    Discovered your website just a couple of months ago and am a newbie..not to the internet but to having websites with affiliate products. It really caught my eye a few months ago as at present I run a small home business selling at auctions and to be honest have had enough of it! It was not my first choice I started it out of a desire to work from home (as I too am a single mum)and it has for three years now given me a full-time income (not rich but we get by) but now really want to move onto something I am more interested in and also to get away from the demands of running auctions 24/7. Don't get me wrong I am a hard worker and have great customer feedback for my sales but I feel for the effort I give it I could put that into soemthing else that I am more interested in where I can once in profit have that 'timeout' I just feel I dont get with an auction business. I do know I could expand the auction business and outsource somethings but I just don't have the interest there. When I discovered 'affiliate marketing' it seems to fit well with what I need in my future πŸ™‚ So I have a couple of questions and would really appreciate your advice as I think your posts are great and really are appropriate for me just now. Oh btw I have rosalind Gardner's book and think she is great too!

    My idea for a website is fitness/nutrition related towards women as a fitness fanatic plus a partner who is a personal trainer it comes natural to me so this was where my idea came and it daunted me at first as the fitness/health market is BIG and I did try for a while to think of other ideas (had future ideas but not one I felt good for now) so this was the one I kept coming back too πŸ™‚ so decided to just get on and do my very very best!

    So my newbie questions are..
    It seems blogs are all the rage now but I originally wanted to start with a website (have a little experience with that and a friend who can help too so seemed quicker to get up and running)but I know blogs get traffic but can I still make a success from a static website or is that a dying breed? it just seems its all blog talk just now on the internet and although my intention is to add a blog in the future as I get more knowledge..I just think there is such a huge learning curve with wordpress and feel I just want to get my website up and content written and improve/add as I go along but feel almost like it's a blog or nothing these days? what is your thoughts on this? have you created any new websites as opposed to a blog lately that give you income?
    In todays climate on the internet what would you say is a reasonable amount of time (with hard work but part time as have to work still) to be able to earn your first $1500 month? I really would like to get out of the auction business within a year.
    I have read your tips about taking small steps to getting to your goals but to someone who at present has the fear to actually start the site, I suppose the fear of failure you could say.. and that of changing my business do you have any valuable insights to give me a push this Monday because I have read alot know and pretty much understand it all and now need to TAKE ACTION but something keeps me from starting although I have done keyword research and roughly designed a website on paper and content ideas.
    Thank you so much for reading my long post! Have a lovely day and keep the posts coming they are an inspiration!

  15. Steve-Personal Success Factors says

    Hi, Lynn. I absolutely love your spirit and your post! I have 10 goals for 2010, and it truly helps to look at them every day, and take a small step toward any number of them. Just doing this daily will lead to 365% productivity by the end of the year!

  16. Best Affiliate Niche, Affiliate Marketing, Niche Marketing says

    You work on Saturday? πŸ™‚ I've had that ClickBank project on my list for a long time now - the book just needs one little thing. . . After reading your post though, I know I can get more done in a day. I'll just have to make a bigger list!

  17. Rinaldi Syahran says

    i very agree with your post. For the better day we should taking daily action.With the small step and huge goal we can make productivity and good activity from this.

  18. Christina Lemmey says

    I'm impressed with how much you can get done Lynn! My biggest problem is putting my client work ahead of my own passive income. Still trying to figure out that balance but also having fun!

  19. Dennis Edell says

    LOL@and did a load of laundry, never let them forget why you do what you do. πŸ˜‰

    Now do you fill out a to-do card each night, like those 6 or so items you listed?

    I sure know what you mean Lynn, I worked for 2 months figuring out the how's and why's of a blog merge I finally "completed" (things like that are never actually completed, lol).

    Unfortunately most of that time was waiting for someone who was going to help me in certain areas, which never came to pass..I see an article on that in the near future.

  20. John De Vera says

    I'm glad you really make it to the point that you finish everything before the day is over. Honestly, I have that attitude of setting aside first any of my tasks and do first other nonsense things. Then, I'll just soon notice that my day is over without even accomplishing any of my task.

  21. Holy cow Lynn, What time do you get up in the morning? Thats very impressive indeed. And yet I know the feeling of getting things accomplished in the day , its such a great feeling.

    This is actually my first time visiting your blog. I've heard your name from Mark Mason and Michelle MacPherson and others but have yet to visit. So much to read and so little time.

    I've been trying to actually read less and do more with the little bit of time of have, working full time, be a good dad, be a good husband, as well as build a successful business. But I need visit here more often! Great stuff! Thank you so much!

    Joe Wilson@internet web site marketing

  22. Ethan Brown says

    We actually tend to forget what we need to focus on. That's precisely the reason why there are more time wasted than time spent in accomplishing our goals. All of us must remember that every second counts in our lives so we can't afford to waste our time.

  23. That's another reason you are my hero (should have used that word before). Single mom with two teens and still running a successful business?

    It's not just the amount of money that makes you successful, it's the freedom and lifestyle that the money allows. I enjoyed reading your Tweets and seeing your pictures of your Vegas trip with your kids. Being able to do that is priceless!

    And I can relate. In a previous business venture (consulting) I was a single dad with two teenage daughters, with one in her first year of college.

    When my business was doing well, I was able to pursue my dream of owning an airplane. I was able to take friends and family flying. Being able to fly myself and my girls to Orlando, FL for a week's vacation was priceless!

    Unfortunately that business fell apart and I lost the airplane, but we'll always have the memories (and pictures) of the good times we enjoyed and trips we took in the plane.

    One of the things I learned from my success back then was how rewarding it was to share my success with others by taking friends, family and even clients up in the plane.

    These and other things drive me to be successful in internet marketing today. So yes, when I see what you are doing, it helps to inspire me to push forward on those days when I don't feel like I'm making progress.

    Thank you again for sharing.

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