Vlogging: 7 Video Blogging Tips by Jendi

Guest Post by Jendi of SimpleVloggingTips.com

Vlogging Video Blogging Tips by JendiI love to watch video online. ComScore says that 75% of internet users do so I'm not a rarity.

My first introduction to Lynn Terry was through a video. She was feeding pigeons – in Australia, I think. The next time her name came across my screen I could immediately picture what she looked and sounded like so I followed her on Twitter and put her feed in my reader.

Online video is rapidly growing and showing no signs of slowing down. A form of online video that is very popular is conversational video.

If you follow Lynn Terry you know what conversational video is. It's when she opens her mail and chats with you or describes a bad experience at the Apple store. It's often called video blogging or gets shortened to vlogging...

Here are my Top 7 tips for Making a Good Conversational Video:

1. Make sure the lighting is nice. It's worth the time it takes to sit
by a window or move some lamps around so your face is lit nice.

2. Make sure the audio is clear. Take a few seconds to listen if there
is white noise around you that you can turn off; anything like a tv,
radio, window air conditioner, fan, etc.

3. Make sure your background supports your words. At the very least
make sure it's uncluttered. At the best you need to have things around
you that support your expertise and showcase your brand. Lynn Terry
does this well by sitting in front of a computer with her website

4. Make sure your camera is steady. A tripod is an inexpensive and good
investment if you plan to continue to make videos. If you don't have
one it's fine to prop your camera on something or have a friend hold
it steady for you.

5. Make sure you look at the camera. The closer you are to the screen
the easier it will be for watchers to see if you're looking at a
nearby screen or right into the lens. They want to feel like you are
talking to them.

6. Make sure you have good content or a specific point. I'm assuming
you've heard the phrase “content is king.” That applies to vlogging
too. People will want to share good content.

7. Try to have a visual. You might think, “The whole video is a
visual.” Yes, but you want watchers to be glued to the screen. You
took the time to create a video instead of just an audio and you don't
want watchers to minimize the window and just listen.

If you would like to learn more about making a conversational video or vlog check out my free report on How Video Makes You Awesome. I created it for “mom bloggers” but the information applies to any online video, and everyone is welcome to come to the webinar I mention in the report...

To learn more about Jendi's webinar on Monday May 24th, and download her free report on Vlogging, Click Here. You'll find the link for the Free Report at the bottom of the page.

About Jendi: Jendi started making videos for online in 2008. Then she looked for ways to improve her vlogging. There were many sites with complicated information, but none with simple tips for those just starting. She launched simplevloggingtips.com to help fill the gap and to encourage other bloggers to push record and just vlog it.

She has spoken in webinars for Kelly McCausey and Maria Bailey as well as live at the Blissdom Conference. She works as a social media director for a local business, and a video marketer for a business on the other side of the country. She lives in Pennsylvania with her husband, stays busy homeschooling her 3 kids, and tries to make sure that the dog, cat, and rabbit get fed.

You can follow Jendi on Twitter for Video Blogging Tips @jendisjournal

About Lynn Terry

Lynn Terry is a full-time Internet Marketer with over 17 years experience in online business. Subscribe to ClickNewz for the latest Internet Marketing trends & strategies, Lynn's unique case studies, creative marketing ideas, and candid reviews...more»


  1. Excellent tips, Jendi - thank you so much for taking the time to share those with us! Lighting has been my number one issue, and I've found that natural light is my best asset with video blogging. I try to shoot video during daylight, facing a window - or outdoors if possible.

    Thanks again. I enjoyed your free report, and look forward to your webinar on Monday!

    • Elizabeth Tobin says

      I registered for this webinar, but I haven't gotten the call in info and it's 8:49 pm on Monday night. I went to Jendi's website but I didn't see any way to contact her. Do you have the call in details?

  2. Excellent tips! I am one of those who keeps putting vlogging on the back burner. I have done a few videos with others and have some on my own video camera but the technical part gets the best of me. Jendi, I am a big fan of your site and have been on your mailing list for quite some time and you make it so simple. It's taking the next step for me that's nerve wracking ha ha

    I'm pretty sure I won't be available for your webinar but if I sign up for $1 I would still get the recording afterward?

  3. Lisa Marie Mary says

    I love video - watching it and making it! And I was really getting into making them and putting them together - when... blammo! My camera broke! I'm being left behind now - ack! Must. fix. camera.

    It's great to meet you, Jendi - enjoyed your post! 🙂

  4. Jendi always provides such useful information. I really enjoy video, it has added so much to my blog... my only complaint is that I didn't start sooner!!

  5. I must be in the minority. Usually when I see a video I move on to another website. Maybe I just prefer reading, but the majority of the time it is because they are just talking and there was no value added by them doing it as a video.

    I understand it when there is a reason behind it, but don't just do video for the sake of it.

  6. I regularly use video for my clients and do my own for my own site. But I'm not good at it at all. I am good at doing it and getting it online - but that's where it stops. I will definitely attend the webinar and appreciate you and Lynn bringing it to my attention. Thanks

  7. I have to agree with Thomas. I usually just move on when I see a video that I didn't ask for.
    Watching video drains a 5 gig a month web allowance on a air card.
    Having said that some of the videos I have seen ARE quite awesome.

  8. Great tips.. FYI just tried to enter my email in the free tips sign up at simplevloggingtips.com and it gave an error message. Will go back there later.


  9. hi I need to update last comment, I did see and error message but received the ebook anyway - so thanks

  10. I am just starting on this vlogging thing and these are really great tips for me. I can now improve my own homemade videos.

  11. I notice tons of bloggers switching to this format either as addition to written content of instead of written content.

    What I have to admit is that when I am a little lazy I love watching a video instead of reading an article.

    But I prefer a combination of both cause I can remember things I read better.

  12. jamessamy says

    Thank you Jendi for sharing this good info about vblogging. This is really new to me but i will use your advice and do better

    Keep up your good work and hope to have more of your lesson learn on vblogging

  13. This article has spurred me to take action on vlogging. I missed the webinar but have signed up for Jendi's email list. I also plan to share this info with my blogging clients because I really believe vlogging can be a useful tool to promote what some of them are doing.

    Thanks for sharing Jendi with the rest of us.

  14. jamessamy says

    Hi Rick,

    I joined the webinar and it was Jendi's first webinar...her sharing was super.

    Whoever missing it, please signup for her email list and definitely you will benefit from her knowledge on video blogging. By the way, thank you Lynn for posting about Jendi here.

  15. Missed the webinar last night so just waiting for the link to the replay.

  16. Personally, I also enjoy watching video. Most especially those video tutorials cause I can actually make use of it effectively. Aside from that fact, it's much more entertaining compared to just simply reading blog post.

  17. I enjoyed the webinar and the tips, and plan on trying out vlogging myself soon.

  18. Sam Reiki says

    I like vidoe blogging. It's much better than the traditional way of blogging cause sometimes, I find reading as a very boring activity. I'd rather spend my time listening than reading in the first place. Glad that you've shared the following video blogging tips.

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