Will You Be At The NAMS 8 Event?

NAMS 8 EventNext month, on August 3-5 2012, I'll be attending (and teaching at) the NAMS 8 event in Atlanta.

I have been to all seven previous events, and am really looking forward to NAMS 8!

This is one of the live events I enjoy most, mainly due to the caliber of people who speak and attend. It is absolutely tops for networking with cool folks, including the speakers and top marketers that attend.

If you've ever been, you know exactly what I'm talking about. πŸ˜‰ The venue is great for socializing, and it's just an all around fun time hanging out with like minded people who are serious about their online business.

And of course the classes & sessions, which are all straight-up teaching for 3 solid days, are taught by real people having real success online...

I have been teaching how-to classes at the NAMS events (which stands for Niche Affiliate Marketing Systems, by the way) for several years now. Since the very first live event they held! I've shared live case studies, detailed how-to strategies on a variety of topics, and several down-to-earth sessions on how online business and specifically Affiliate Marketing really work.

In August I'll be doing a Site Review session, reviewing affiliate sites in great detail. Site Reviews are something I typically only do for Elite Members within my Private Brainstorming Group, but I am really looking forward to doing it live at NAMS! If you've ever sat in on one of my reviews, you know I rarely hold anything back. πŸ˜‰

NAMS is a great place to get real hands-on help and detailed strategy training. No fluff, or dreamy unrealistic expectations from "professional speakers" (who have no experience actually making money online in the trenches).

The teachers that host sessions and workshops at NAMS are all experienced online business owners and internet marketers. Meaning they are successfully doing exactly what you want to learn how to do!

Definitely check out the site & read the comments below (and ask any questions you have!)

I hope to see you there! πŸ˜€


p.s. You can expect to learn A LOT more than just "niche affiliate marketing" at the NAMS Workshops. You'll meet fellow entrepreneurs there with a variety of online business models. The after hours networking alone is priceless for sharing ideas & resources, and brainstorming with other cool folks that work online.

(And unlike some events, it's not a drink fest party-disguised-as-an-event. It's good folks, no shady crap, and solid teaching!)

About Lynn Terry

Lynn Terry is a full-time Internet Marketer with over 17 years experience in online business. Subscribe to ClickNewz for the latest Internet Marketing trends & strategies, Lynn's unique case studies, creative marketing ideas, and candid reviews...moreΒ»


  1. I love your site reviews Lynn πŸ™‚ I can't wait for NAMS8!

  2. Dee Coxon says

    Hi Lynne
    Im in Uk and cant get to Nams8 will there be an opportunity for you to share any of the great affiliate tips with us on your return? I do hope so

    many thanks

  3. I echo what Dee said. I would love to attend but sadly I'm sat on the other side of the pond πŸ™

  4. Cannot wait to see everyone again. This will be my 7th NAMS, missed the 1st one.

    Looking forward to your site review session. That should be really awesome. I'm also looking forward to many other sessions.

    Ang the networking at NAMS is amazing and I go home after every NAMS making more money that I did when I got there *wink* It's a win win for me!

  5. Tracy Roberts says

    I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again, too. I'll only be my 6th NAMS (I think) but this is the ONE even that's totally worth my time & effort to attend.

    Ideas are sparking all over the place and everyone from the instructors on down are friendly, approachable and share from the heart.

    Angie, I'm like you, each time I go home I make more money after having attended!

  6. Peggy Baron says

    Sadly, I'll be missing this one. I sure loved the last two and I'll be going back!

    Peggy πŸ™‚

  7. Lynn, Is there a special price for monthly members of NAMS? I have trouble finding it on the site. This $200 discount is terrific, but I thought there was different price for members.

    Thanks, can't wait to see y'all in 4 weeks!

    • I believe so. Log in and check - and if you can't find it, just ask David. πŸ˜‰

      • Anita - I think you got the answer you needed but for anyone else... if you are a paid member at mynams.com, it's important to always log in first. We recognize you as such on the site and show you different things than non-paid members see. For example, when you go the NAMS 8 sales page, if you're a paid member, you'll see a special coupon code that gets you into the workshop for $197 instead of the discounted rate of $297.

        We try to make sure that members get ALL the benefits of being NAMSters πŸ™‚ and that often translates into savings that actually more than pay for your membership. http://www.nicheaffiliatemarketingsystems.com < - go there and check it out!

        I'm REALLY looking forward to see everyone there and can't wait to see Lynn's reviews myself... I always learn so much from her.


  8. I heard there was going to be a backlash if I didn't show up... I'll be there. πŸ™‚

  9. Yes ma'am, I wanted to attend for 3 years and finally got the chance last Feb for NAMS7. I'm ready physically and mentally for NAMS8, now that I have one under my belt and know better what to expect. Can't wait to see old friends, meet new ones and absorb every second of 'training goodness' possible, as Paul Evans would say. πŸ™‚ See you there, Lynn!

  10. Cant wait to see everyone and make new friends, especially since I missed the last one. See you there!
    - Sharyn

  11. I'm really bummed out, I missed the winter session and now I'm missing the summer session for this year πŸ™ Conflicting travel dates and family stuff to do that weekend. I'm going to have to make sure I schedule the next NAMS session into my calendar before I plan anything else!

    Every time I go to a NAMS event (Even the online version) I walk away with new ideas, tons of inspiration, and usually a few new friends too.

    • I'm bummed too - I'll miss seeing you! Hopefully we can connect there at the next one, January I believe?

      • I was extra bummed out because my husband and kids were going to come with me and we were going to plan a mini-vacation around the event weekend, but the conflicting travel dates this year just threw me all off schedule.

        I'll be first in line to buy tickets to NAMS9 πŸ˜‰ Hopefully the winter dates for the next event don't fall on anything important.

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