Clarification: My Take on StomperNet

It seems I have created a bit of confusion over the last few months, so I wanted to take this opportunity to clarify my stance in regards to StomperNet. If you're not familiar with them, they offer ongoing training & support for aspiring internet business professionals.

Their ideal client is the person who has done some research, started (or attempted to start) their first online business, but needs help getting all the pieces in place so they can actually start turning a consistent profit.

They offer extensive training modules and personal support through a variety of methods, which you can access via monthly membership setup. Unfortunately, there's a problem with their business model...

Actually there are a few problems, but I should state upfront that this is my personal opinion. Stompernet is obviously a very successful company, with hundreds of happy members.

The most obvious problem is their launch strategy. For example, their doors are closed (membership full) at the moment - and it tends to stay that way more often than not. Every now and then they open the doors and do a full-on relaunch. Since they get dozens of marketers on board for the promotion, it tends to saturate (and upset) the market.

Ideally, again in my opinion, they would remain open and allow their affiliates to recommend Stompernet based on personal recommendation - rather than "get in now or lose out!" methods. I'm not alone in this opinion. Even some of the Stompernet faculty have expressed the same.

Another obvious issue is their pricing model. Membership to Stompernet costs right at $800/month. That's a pretty serious investment for most people.

You can easily make 10x that amount through your own internet business, which is how it is justified. I'll agree to that. But starting out, that's a big chunk of cash to lay on the table month after month while you get it up and running.

I would venture to guess that $800/month is simply out of range for the majority of people who could really benefit from Stompernet membership.

Granted, you get what you pay for, and Stompernet offers a lot. But therein lies the 3rd problem: they offer so much to their members that some have reported its simply overwhelming.

Stompernet does make every effort to take a new member by the hand, determine what their specific needs are, and offer the training in clearly labeled modules - from beginner to advanced.

I think part of the problem lies in the mindset of the member. To be fair, I think the pricing and the format are part of the reason for this mindset. In addition to the monetary investment, a substantial time investment has to be made to consume the training material - and then to implement what you learn.

Members would do well to pace themselves with the material, starting at step one - as determined through the introductory phase - and continuing systematically through the training and implementing along the way.

Many will dive in head first and consume entirely too much material, on a variety of levels, taking zero action on that material, and then blame the system for their lack of success with it.

So, while I dont necessarily like the model, I dont blame it entirely. I think much of it boils down to personal accountability.

The bottom line is that the substantial investment of both time and money is simply too much for most people. I've often said that Stompernet is not for everyone - and I would venture to guess that their pricing model alone is evidence that they agree, and prefer to work with a very select group of aspiring internet business professionals.

It takes a certain kind of person, with serious focus, to get a positive ROI (return on investment) from Stompernet membership. Period.

At the risk of offending a few people, I'll confess that this is the reason I dont actively promote Stompernet membership to my readers. I simply dont feel its a good match (for the majority). Not that I dont think Stompernet is worth their price, or that they dont offer incredible training material - because they are and they do - but because I feel like most of my readers just arent at that level yet.

In the past I have announced their re-opening events, with caution of course, and I have also promoted their free offers. I am an affiliate for Stompernet, and have been for years, but have never directly recommended the membership option. Now you know why.

Last spring I attended the Stompernet Live5 event in Atlanta, GA. I am not a member myself, but attended as a guest of Adriana Copaceanu. My interest was in getting an inside look at Stompernet, meeting the staff and faculty, and talking with their affiliate manager (Tom Ham, right).

I walked away impressed. In fact, I am attending their next live event - Stompernet Live6 - next week (August 22-24). -Sidenote: if you are in the Atlanta area let me know, as I'm planning a meet-up over lunch or dinner sometime over that weekend πŸ˜‰

As an affiliate, and specifically for my readers, I am most interested in seeing if they plan to release certain training modules separately - independent of their membership option. I heard talk of that at the last event, and am hoping to get the scoop on that next week.

Some of the confusion I hope this clears up is the "why" behind my strong cautions, my lack of direct recommendation or promotion, and the reason I am attending a second Stompernet event.

I am not at all against what they teach, or how they teach it. They have a really good thing going on. I know most of their staff & faculty, and think very highly of them all. They are great people, with tons of integrity & enthusiasm.

While I'm making clarifications, another question I get asked a lot is whether I am a member myself. I am not. Obviously I am not their target market. If I fit in anywhere in their business model it would be as faculty or staff (neither of which I'm aiming for). This is my 12th year and I already have a successful internet business...

I hope that answers some of your questions. And hopefully I'll get some of mine answered next weekend at the StomperNet Live6 event - if I dont get kicked out for this post πŸ˜‰ lol. Like I said, they have awesome training material, and excellent mentors & coaches on staff, so I am really hoping they release some (affordable) products for the general public this year.

I'll keep you posted, of course. I'm looking forward to my trip to Atlanta, and to seeing some of my friends while there. Should be a fun weekend!

By the way, Stompernet has a new freebie out: The Stomper Scrutinizer. This is an eye-tracking simulator, and you can access & install it for free from that link if you'd like to check it out.

(Do not miss out- I'm not sure how long this offer will last!) If you hurry you can get 2 free products from StomperNet. You'll get Stomping the Search Engines 2.0 a free video course teaching you how to get your site ranked in the search engines, and a copy of The Net Effect - the premier print publication with step-by-step online business training. Get Details Here


P.S. During their last promotion, I won a digital picture frame and a 50" Samsung HDTV. The television was a random prize drawing from all active affiliates, which you can see in the video below.

I didnt make any sales during that promotion, and have never sold a single membership to StomperNet - just for the record. I'm loving the new TV of course πŸ˜€ , and I have a lot of love for the StomperNet group - I just dont feel its a good match for (most of) my readers (yet)...

About Lynn Terry

Lynn Terry is a full-time Internet Marketer with over 17 years experience in online business. Subscribe to ClickNewz for the latest Internet Marketing trends & strategies, Lynn's unique case studies, creative marketing ideas, and candid reviews...moreΒ»


  1. Hi Lynn,

    I appreciate your tactful analysis of Stompernet. I don't know much about them, except they were beyond my means to be a member. You've added more to my limited knowledge of Stompernet. Thanks!

    David Tinney
    David Tinney - No Hype, No BS

  2. Sharon McPherson says

    Lynn, thank you for proving once again that your loyalty truly does lie with your readers.

    It is refreshing and unfortunately, rare, to see an affiliate for Stompernet give such a fair and balanced review of the program.

    I can't imagine why you might think that being honest with your readers about some of the problems with Stompernet would offend anyone - and if it does, therein lies another problem doesn't it?


    Sharon McPherson

  3. Dan Reinhold says

    The only sensible approach to it all is "Use what you can afford, WHEN you can afford it".

    For those who can swing $800 a month and the time to make it worthwhile, more power to you!

    Considering it's possible to use SIX different online marketing methods while still spending less than $50 a month and building a foundation for that kind of goal...but by then, why bother?

  4. Annemarie O'Bea says

    I joined Stompernet last May after taking advantage of all the free material they offer. The price is pretty steep, and I knew I could only afford it for so long. But I am on a fast track to launch an online store, and really don't believe you can get the same quality of information from alot of sources.

    So I am inside like a sponge. Downloading videos, learning everything I can, taking advantage of the amazing forum of support they offer. I haven't found anyplace that offers quite that amount of quality information.

    The time will come in the next few months however, that I can not continue my membership. I've learned what I could, and will now rely on other sites, just like Lynn's, to keep me rolling. Ongoing, I just don't feel its worth the money. But in their favor, you aren't just interacting with your average internet marketer who dabbles here and there. These people are pros, and they take their work very seriously, and the cool thing about it is, they are thrilled to share their knowledge and successes with other members and help where they can.

    Just another view from the inside. Definately worth the bucks, though I could never sustain it long terms. At least not yet.

  5. Jim Zaccaria says

    Authenticity is Key to connection. Though we've never met, your candor is a trait I greatly appreciate about you; it also creates within me a desire to meet you. [That and your great smile! ;o)]
    My persuasion mentors have All said that Polarization is Good - it allows the crowd to 'cull' itself so we only attract those who are a good 'fit' foe us. We ought never fear P---ing Off a few people [or telling those who need to hear it to P---Off!] if we are truly being authentic in the sharing of our message. Try as we might, we'll NEVER please EVERYbody.

  6. Thank you Jim - my only concern is that my readers might be offended by my comment that they (ie the majority) are not yet ready for this type of investment. I probably should have worded it better. I work with a lot of brand new people every single day, and so I dont expect them to be "ready" for SN specifically.

    That said, I have some intermediate/advanced readers in my group and on my list as well, so I'm certainly not speaking for them.

    And no worries - I'm not the people pleaser type πŸ˜‰ Its just easy to offend in plain text when you are trying to keep things short and to the point - and where tone cant always be 'heard' πŸ˜‰

  7. Annemarie, in our conversation on Twitter you said:

    I was quite the skeptic at first, but they are the real deal. But laser-like focus is key to sucess there

    I couldnt agree with you more. I think that a lot of people understimate the investment they need to make - above and beyond the financial investment - to see a good ROI with StomperNet.

    I am leaning towards Traffic Secrets 2.0 as the ideal recommendation. I am waiting to see how the private brainstorming & mentoring group turns out as things get underway. It is a one-time investment of $397 that includes lifetime updates & membership access. My latest on that can be found at:

  8. StomperNet is a full rent payment for myself - and to play the devils advocate, since your risk is higher with the higher price tag then more people would do everything they can to succeed right? Possibly...

    TS 2.0 all the way.

  9. In theory, yes. The financial investment alone would motivate people to see a quicker return. I agree with that concept and have mentioned it a couple of times in previous posts here on ClickNewz.

    I'll be talking to more members next weekend at the live conference and expect to get some feedback on that.

  10. Hi Lynn,

    I live 40 minutes from Atlanta! Email me for a get together for dinner-just not the 24th. Going in for boring medical stuff.


  11. Hi Joanne,

    I am waiting to see the SN conference schedule so I can figure out when I can 'sneak away' for a bit. I may not have access to email while I'm in Atlanta, so Twitter will probably be the best way to stay in touch about plans. Do you use Twitter? My URL is

  12. No, I do not twitter, as of yet. Thanks.

  13. You may want to set up an account, just for this purpose. I wont be emailing over the weekend, but using the DM (direct message) on Twitter will get straight to my mobile, and I'll also be "tweeting" the details.

    You can also read more about Twitter in my next post:

  14. ALWAYS luv yer way with words, Lynn! πŸ˜€

    You mentioned:

    "I think that a lot of people understimate the investment they need to make - above and beyond the financial investment - to see a good ROI with StomperNet."

    Ain't THAT the truth?

    This ALSO can be directed towards ANY marketing resource that one is considering to invest in whether $50 OR $5K. Just buying the stuff doesn't 'make it happen' automagically.

    BTW ... How's that new 'BIG screen' working out 4 ya? heh heh

    Rick Wilson 8)

  15. I agree with that concept completely. In fact, here are two recent posts of mine on the topic:

    Marketer Sets The Price, Buyer Determines Value
    Perceived Value & The Psychology of Pricing

    And thank you Rick - lovin' the TV πŸ˜‰

  16. Unsafe Baby Bottles says

    Love the review of stomernet, getting into internet marketing is a process which must not be rushed and the information needs to be absorbed, just starting to understand linking and how it can be done, starting to get into the social networks but doing it so i can understand and not get overwhelmed.. I will be definitely subscribing ....

  17. Thank you. I think thats a good approach. I often advise people to only learn what they need to learn at any given step along the way - working the plan strategically. It helps to avoid overwhelm and to maintain focus.

  18. Lynn:
    Great stuff as usual. You never cease to inspire me each time I read your articles. I don't get a chance to read all of them, but some of your subject lines grab my attention. That's an email marketing lesson right there! πŸ™‚ I am at work right now checking email, and I just had to check it out. I have wondered what stompernet was all about and now I know more than I did before.
    I met a couple of guys a "Click Flipping" seminar that were members of Stompernet and they felt they got more value at the "Free" ClickFlipping" seminar. Obviously the cost is a factor, but Scott Boulch does get some great guests in for his members and there is no selling in the back either. Anyone who has attended any IM seminars knows what I mean. I am sorry that I won't get to meet you, as I won't be in Atlanta or Vegas areas, but I'm sure our paths will cross at some point. Continuing to Admire your work from afar.
    Pablo Maiorino
    P.S. I still think you wear a cape when nobody's around. πŸ™‚

  19. Thank you Pablo & LOL πŸ˜† - no cape here!

    Its great to hear from you. I hope things are going well on your end. Seems its been awhile since we talked.

    Interestingly, I went to a family get-together with a friend of mine over the weekend and met a man who is heavy into Internet Marketing. He has a close friend that is a StomperNet member so we had a great conversation about that - about everything internet really (while everyone else tuned us out haha).

  20. Hi Lynn,
    I was one of those people who was counting down to Stompernets open and signed up as a member.
    There is the big HOWEVER:
    Stompernet is not for beginners. There is plenty of free info online on how:
    - to start a website
    -do keyword research
    -get high ranking in google
    Stompernet is really for people who already have a website and have a lot of traffic, understand keywords and rank in Google and yet can't make a living off their site.
    They completely revolutionize my conversion rate-helped me to attain double heading in google and much much more.....
    They help you take a $10,000 a month internet business and teach you to more than double.
    When I signed up I knew I needed them.
    I knew exactly the info that I was looking for and
    knew what to do with it in a timely fashion.
    So, I highly recommend them for people who have a website, worked it for over two years,
    and need to get to the next level.

  21. Hey Camille,

    Thank you for sharing your personal experience and your perspective. Like I said in my original post and you said above - it really isnt for everyone. It takes a certain amount of focus and motivation to really get a good ROI with StomperNet membership, in my opinion.

    Are you at the Live6 event this weekend, by the way? If so, give me a shout - I'm here all weekend πŸ˜‰

  22. web directory says

    There strategy seems to be working...although it makes sense to keep the doors open and even use an affiliates to promote the product. The exclusivity make people want to join and pay the fee.

  23. Thanks for your inciteful info. I too am a newbie marketer and could never afford the stompernet program fees. I do have a large website however and would like to be able to advertise for them as an affiliate but I have never been able to find an affiliate signup link anywhere online.
    Do you have to be a paid member to be an affiliate or am I just missing the signup page somehow?

  24. I can get you a link, Steve - send me an email πŸ˜‰ I believe my contact info is on the About page or you can DM me on Twitter (@lynnterry)

    Also, hit the main page of the site here: and be sure to get in on their free offer today! You'll get the full scoop if you go to the main page here, or you can go straight to the free offer using this link:

  25. Hi Lynn,

    I tried to order the Net Effect but it wouldn't go through until I accepted the upsell that promised I'd get a collection of DVDs for an extra $97 plus S&H.

    I received the 1st issue (after 3 weeks) and thought it was great but I never recieved the DVD collection.

    I contacted SNet by phone and email and I haven't heard anything from anyone - other than a "do not reply" email that promised that someone would contact me. SNet seems like a class A outfit and they offer a tremendous amount of free stuff but the fact of the matter is that I paid for something that I never received and that can't do anything but make me wonder.

    Any suggestions on what I can try next?

    P.S. I know you're busy - and I'm not destitute yet - so please respond only when it's convenient for you to do so.

  26. Hi Roland,

    If you'll email me your Transaction ID's (both of them) and your Customer ID, along with these same details - I'll make sure they get in the hands of someone that can help you with that. My email is Lynn-AT-ClickNewz-DOT-com πŸ™‚

  27. Thanks Lynn. You shouldn't have to go through this trouble but I am so glad you're willing to. I'll digg up the info and send it to you.

    P.S. Now I know why you have so many fans!

  28. Thank you Roland. There's more to be an Affiliate Marketer than making sales & cashing checks. I take my affiliations seriously, and stick it out all the way to the end with my readers πŸ˜‰

    I'll keep an eye out for your email. I know they are under a major customer service strain due to the volume of sales, but I think we can get this resolved pretty quick.

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